Karma's A Bitch, and So Am I

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Third Person
Delena-Rose paced around her room, thinking of what she just saw...
"This was it the final straw. The one that broke the camels back. Yeah that one. Ugh I sound so much like my mom. Okay shut up Delena."
She flopped onto the bed, completely drained of all happiness and life. "This is probably how people feel after being married.".
She just couldn't believe, "we brought this this....girl into our home and she completely messes up our lives."
Her stomach grumbles interrupting her thoughts. "God I'm hungry". Delena grabbed a hoodie and tossed it over her tank top and a pair of her field hockey sweatpants. She handed reached for the door. "Well, I can technically live without food for three weeks, so..." She pulled her hand back, "No I gotta do this.".
She twisted the knob ever so carefully, gently pulled the old wooden door open. She poked her head into the hallway, the coast was clear. Tip toeing out of the room, Delena grabbed a bottle of perfume. "Just for safety." She assured herself, tucking the bottle in her pocket.
Her parents room was silent, almost too silent. Quietly, she creeped down the stairs. The party was still going hard downstairs, but that didn't matter. She had one thing on her mind like all teenage girls..."FOOD". (I'm a teenage girl, so I'm not trying to offend anyone. It's just my POV).
   The coast was clear, it was a straight run to the fridge, and back. Delena bolted across the living room inches before entering the kitchen. "Hey You!" A snobby drunk girl shouted over the pumping music.
  Delena turned around reluctantly, knowing that voice belonged to none other than Isabelle Harper. Her nemesis!
   "Can I help you, Isabelle?" Delena asked lacing her words with hate and sarcasm.
   "Um yeah, like where's the alcohol. We're all out...OMG little Dinky Delena! I can't believe you threw this party."
   Delena balled her fists to restrain her anger. "Yeah so?".
  "Well it's just not like that fine Daddy if your would ever let you.". Isabelle stuttered.
    Delena averted Isabelle in embarrassment. "No don't tell me, you didn't ask him." A huh pitched laugh was elicited from Isabelle as she stabilized herself by a fern.  "If he ever found out who's idea it was to do this, let me just saw they would never see the light of day again.". She gagged and ran down the hallway.
    Finally free, Delena-Rose had straight way for the kitchen. But Isabelle's stupid words did mean something.
   Throwing down a bag of frozen pizza bagels, Delena sprang for the phone.

   "Hello," Delena asked "Mom can you here me?".
    "Yeah, its Ethan. What's up?"
"Ethan, I..I" Delena thought for a moment, could she really blame all this on a girl she barely knew for a boy that she didn't even like. "Dad, Carly threw a high school party and I'm scared."
I took Mr.Coles a few seconds to realize the situation. "We'll be home in a few hours, in the mean time stay in your room and call us back if you need anything."
They hung up. Satisfied Delena popped her pizza bagels in the microwave and waited, humming to the buzz of the microwave.
   A minute later it was done, and satisfied Delena-Rose pranced out of the kitchen. She stops to let a boy run past, but instead he pukes on her bagels.
    "Karmas a bitch!"

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