Chapter 3: Hearing Loss Explained

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"Right after they gave me the serum, I slowly lost my hearing until I could not hear anything.  I have a feeling that the serum may have reacted with my system in a way that is unexplainable, and I probably will never find out why," I say as the others stared at me in shock.

"Tony told me that you would be coming, but he sure as hell didn't tell me about your disability!" Fury yelled.  I hated the word, disability.  It makes me feel like they think I can't do anything.

"I don't see my hearing loss as a disability," I say angrily, stressing on the word disability. "I merely see it as a lifelong challenge I will have to endure everyday.  I grow stronger everyday because of my challenge.  Yes, it does make things tough for me, but I don't give a damn.  I refuse to allow anyone to tell me that I can't do what I know I can do."

The room was silent.  I contuined talking.

"Growing up, I never had very many friends, mostly because of my dad being Iron Man, but I have also been held back from doing what I wanted.  If any of y'all think you can stop me from participating on missions, think again.  I don't back down from a fight."

I left the training room, furious that my dad's boss would treat me like that.  I just kept walking until I reached an balcony that allowed me to look around outside.  I stared out the window, wishing that my dad was here because he would know what to do.  After a few minutes, I hear footsteps and look to see that it was Steve approaching.

"Are you alright?" he asks me.

I sigh.  "Still kind of mad at Fury for treating me like that.  I just wish my dad would hurry up and get here already.  I'm already beginning to think that maybe I don't beling here on the helicarrier."

"That's not true.  I honestly think you belong here on the helicarrier.  Fury doesn't realize it, but I think we could use your help.  I'm mad at him too for treating you so badly.  I did not even know you couldn't hear until a couple of minutes ago," he replies, putting his hand on my shoulder.

I smile a little.  "Thanks Steve.  So... I hear that you were frozen in the ice for over seventy years."  He sighed as the memories began to resurface.

"I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring back bad memories," I apologize as I see his expression change.

"No, it's okay.  Yes, I was frozen in the ice for over seventy years."

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