Chapter 4: Uncovering the Past

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Steve told me about his friends that he had before he was frozen.  Bucky had been one of his best friends while growing up in Brooklyn.  He smiled as he told me various stories about what he did before World War II broke out.

"Bucky would have loved to meet you.  I think he would have gotten a big kick out of the fact that you are the granddaughter of the late Howard Stark."

"Howard Stark?  My dad doesn't really talk much about him," I say quietly.

"I knew him pretty well.  Similar personality, except not quite as..." he trails off, trying to find the right words.


"That's it.  He was also behind the Super Soldier program during the war," he answers.  I look at him in surprise.

"Really?  Wow.  Sure wish my dad would tell me more about him," I say in awe.

"How did you end up with the serum in your system?  Just curious," he asks me.

"I was kidnapped when I was around ten.  I don't really remember a lot, but I do recall seing a strange man.  His head was all red and looked like a skull.  He would come into the room I was held captative in and beat me..." I trail off, trying not to cry because of the bad memory.

"Wait a minute... the man's head looked like a skull and was bright red?" He asks me gently.  I nodded my head.

"Crap.  I thought that guy was dead.  I had to deal with him during the war.  His name was Red Skull."  I snap my head up at the mention of the name.  We exchanged looks and knew we needed to tell Fury.  My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I pull it out.  It was a text message from Nat.

Your dad is here. And Fury wants everyone in the control room ASAP, the message read.  

"Well... my dad is here.  Gotta run.  See you in a while, Steve," I say as I leave to go to my room. 

"Likewise, ma'am," Steve calls after me.  Gosh, he is such a gentleman.  Wish my dad was more like him.  I quickly change out of my workout clothes and put on my favorite pair of jeans and boots.  I decide to wear my armor on the outside.  It looks like a vest, but it really is made from metal.  I look in the mirror to make sure my hair did not look bad.  Surprisly, it did not.  I make my way to the control room, which is enormous.  I see a table and sit down to wait for everyone else.

AN: Oh my... Julie and Captain have a common enemy! 

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