Chapter 8: Meeting Stormy, A Prank, and Something Else...

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AN: From here on out, I may be switching between Steve and Julie's POV.  I will let you know when that happens. :)

Also photo to right is what Stormy would look like.


I woke up and looked around the room.  I then realized that I was in my room, but I was surrounded by something furry.  I look up, and I see that it's Julie.  She hasn't woken up yet, so I decide to just stay where I was until she woke up.  It was strange to see her as a half man, half horse.  I looked at her face. She had a broad stripe running down the middle of her face, with some dark spots.  Her ears were relaxed, both having fallen to the side.  Every few minutes, one ear would move ever so slightly.  Finally, both of her ears started to move as she woke up.

"Hello there Steve," she mumbles sleepily. "How long have you been awake?"

"Not long.  You sleep okay?" 

"I think so.  Looks like he kept his promise to me," she answers.

"Who's he?" I ask.  She lets out a big sigh.

"That would be Scout, the Other Guy.  He used to be an actual horse.  His mind and some of his DNA lives on through me.  I don't remember how he ended up bonded to my system like this, but I do remember that it hurt a lot.  My face is exactly what he looked like, except for the eyes.  He wants me to tell you that he will not allow any harm to befall you or me," she replies, smiling.  I smile back at her and then look at the time.  We had spent the night in my room.

"Well, let's get our day started.  I need to go back to my room to clean up a little bit," she remarks.  I move off of her so she can get up. 

"Do you happen to have a code name?" I ask her before she leaves.

"Hmm... I don't think so.  Why do you ask?" she answers.

"How about Scout?" I suggest.

She pauses for a moment, thinking.  "He's fine with that.  Scout it is then."

"Alright.  We need to make sure the rest knows about that."

After watching her head down the hall and disappear around a corner, I close my door.  I glance in the mirror and realize that I needed a shower badly.  After taking a long, relaxing shower, I was standing in front of my closet, about to reach for my clothes when I heard a tap at the door.

"Who is it?" I call out.

"It's Julie," came the reply.

"Give me a few minutes."


I quickly put my clothes on, and I open the door to see Julie standing there.  She had a maroon shirt on that said Texas A&M Aggies on the front.  I had heard about the college, mainly because of its history as a top-notch military school.

"Is that the college you want to go to?" I ask.

"Yes.  I have already applied and got accepted.  I'm assuming you've heard about them."

"I have.  I hear they have some of the best military training available in the country."

"And they still do.  They also have one of the best veterinarian programs as well.  I want to become a vet someday.  Dad is not too happy about that, but he supports the idea of me going to college."

"When will you go?"

"In August.  Hopefully this drama with Loki is over and done with by then.  There's someone I want you to meet."

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