Day Two: Genre

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2: Genre of story explained in detail.



It was meant to be a short story that has somehow morphed into a series, which could potentially go on forever.

I suppose it can be labeled as teen-fiction, since my main characters are mostly under 18, but I don’t think of myself as writing specifically for teens.

It’s also meant to be humorous, but I’m not sure how well that translates. The characters experience some silly and pretty odd situations.

The main genre though…would of course be mystery, since you’re always presented with ‘the final problem’. The answers are presented slowly as the characters recount past events.



The main genre for this would be…..mystery (duh). My intention for this story was for it to be similar to ROQE, but a tad more mature (both in content and writing style).

If you’ve read both, then you might have noticed that the main character and her sidekick in CAL are very similar to ROQE. Or at least their relationship is very similar, and if you didn’t notice…then shame on you and your horrible reading skills.

CAL is also full of quirky characters (especially the M.C.), and it’s meant to be funny as well. But in contrast…this story doesn’t exist in fantasy-land (like ROQE). What I mean is that in this story…‘bad’ things can and will happen to the characters (the end especially will delve into dangerous territory).

Romance is something that is sometimes hinted at in the book, but it isn’t prominent (maybe if I ever write a sequel). Mostly it’s a mystery.



My first fantasy story…and I’m not exactly sure what genre it will cover, because I haven’t planned anything (unlike my other works). I say fantasy, because it takes places in a made-up planet with cat-like creatures.

It’s also Sci-Fi, because there are four other planets involved-- that are being protected by an army, headquartered in a space station.

Action/Adventure can also apply because there is a war, and there will be many battles and some type of quest (of course).

Romance, because there will certainly be heartbreak. And I’m not gonna say more, because I only have two chapters up and spoilers (not because I don’t know). 

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