Day Eleven: Relationships

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11: All the (relation)ships.

Also tricky, because I don’t normally focus on romance. It’s definitely something that I will play with in Veeran though.


None as of yet: Most of the characters at the moment are family or old cops. Both options are creepy and not happening.

The closest thing to a relationship is Ivan (SuperSpy) and Sarah, his blind date.


Nate & Elena: It’s mentioned in the beginning that they’re dating and their relationship is referenced throughout the book. But is it real?

Nate & Olivia II: They’re best-friends, and they’ve never dated. But they do have chemistry and lots of people want to see them together.

Matthews & Olivia II: Matthews can be creepy. But I think they’d be good together, because he would actually appreciate Olivia’s dark side/criminal tendencies.

Paulie & Olivia II: Paulie is the gross cop that ‘loves’ Olivia. This is never happening, but he likes to dream it will.

Damien & Olivia I: The grandparents. Damien has died, but they have a pretty interesting love story. Might share later.

Teresa & Carlo: Oldest aunt and her deceased husband. The only man that could stand her.

Sophie & Russell: Cutest married couple ever.

Elizabeth & Michael/Henry: Although Elizabeth is a bitch now, she wasn’t always. She was actually a lot like her daughter, and so this love story is quite sad (cause he left her, for people who don’t know).

Bubba & Harriet: Circus folk. A midget and a large hairy woman.


Too early to tell, because I’m still figuring things out. But this what I do know:

Pau & Callum: They’re best-friends, but secrets have made them strangers. It might work. It might not.

Pau & Gram: Gram is one of her generals. He’s a few years older (3-4), and he kind of likes her (not in the beginning though…this happens later on).

Harold & Lucilda: The King and Queen (the queen is murdered).

Callum & Sissy: Another general and one of his officers: forbidden love. This also happens later in the book.

Lewis & Sissy: Both officers in the army, they survive a lot of shit together and that makes them close (similar to what happened to Pau & Callum).

Daise & Ellis: Pau’s parents (her father is dead).

Daise & Karum: Pau’s mother and one of Generals. It could be a second shot at love, but Pau thinks it’s gross.

Again, for Veeran...they're just theories. I'm still not done figuring it out.

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