Chapter 2: New Friends

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Wendy's POV
Aw, man! I don't want to get up and go to work! Like for real! Today's NOT the day. I could hear my alarm clock literally yelling at me that I would be late for work.
"Arg! Fine! I am going!" I snarled and punched my clock very hard. After that I just got up, took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and pick small breakfast. Then I took from my wardrobe green flannel as always, because if you look into my wardrobe, you would saw almost just green flannels, but you know it's a destiny of a daugter of lumberjack! I changed really quick and then ran my work, Mystery Shack.
"Hey Soos!" I immediately shouted as I got there.
"Oh, right. You didn't want to work today.." I sighed angrily. You ask why? Because this will be so boring here!
"Well, that means another boring day of work for me, 'yay'." I rejoiced sarcastically.

It's an hour now. IT'S JUST AN HOUR!
"When will this suffering end?!" but for second later my phone rang. It was my best friend Tambry from my 'gang'.

Tambry: Wassup, gurl! How's it goin'?
Wendy: Omg, don't even ask. It's SUPER booooring here!

Wait. Stan could see that I'm not paying attention to my work. And I need this job, even if I hate it. I instantly took my magazine from desk of table and started pretending that I'm reading. There. Much better. (Yea, I know that's like the same thing, but belive me! Stan doesn't mind when I'm reading. Not as texting I mean.) I also put earphones to ignore my surroundings.

T: You know what? We can go to graveyard and hang out with others as we always do. ;)
W: I would love to! But I have to work extra hour. ;_;
T: Ou, shoot.. -
(I think that's autocorrect. Tambry isn't usually polite like that.)
- well at least tomorrow! Promise?
W: Yup, promise! Gtg, byeee!

I heard someone entering gift shop. Ugh, probably just a customer who needs to pee, jeez. There are literally signs everywhere leading to toilets! Can't they just follow them?!
I noticed that someone came closer to me. I was still reading. And here we go again with peeing.. I sighted. The customer stared really long at me. Gee, fine! I'll tell him!
"Toilets are next to gift shop." I said bored.
Customer is still standing there? No! Don't tell me he/she's from another country and doesn't understand english?! Man, I don't wanna imitate peeing again! Great, still here.. ugh, fine. I pulled one earphone out and look at customer. It was a guy. Like.. prety, prety guy. With unkempt hair style. He had brown hair and cool tattoos. And that smile, like... my god! Why would someone be here?
"That's nice, but I wanted to know something else. Do you know where is Stan Pines?" he said to me with a sweet smile. Ugh, are my cheeks burning?! I have to play it cool! I pulled my other earphone to hear him better. Why not, righ? Hehe.
"Yeah, I do. And why you need him?" I've played it cool! Yea! I was glad for myself.
"Because I am his nephew. Me and my twin sister got here to spend here summer. Oh, by the way I am Dipper." he replied and wanted to shook my hand. I could felt that my cheeks are burning again. Get together, Wendy! Play it cool!
"Wedny. Erm, I mean Wendy!" Jeez! Really?! Wedny?! What's even that?! He was like, I dunno.. nineteen? Eighteen?
"Nice to meet you, Wendy. You got really nice name." he said. No! No, stop it! Stupid puberty, making me look stupid! And while I was cursing my puberty and all I found out that je has a twin sister called Mabel. And she's.. she's running towards me?! What the heck!

Oh, she's fine. But she acts like she's much younger than me, it's kinda funny.

"Hey, Wendy! I am Mabel! Want some candy?!"she put out of her pockets some candy. Wow, she's like candy shop!
"Um, thanks, dude." I took a one piece of it.

Mabel's POV
She looks really friendly and also slightly young. But she's still teen so it's no big deal. Maybe she could be a good friend for me and Dipper!

"Hey, Wendy?" I asked her with big smile. She looked at me.
"Yea? What's up?"
"Do you mind taking us sometimes to a tour around Gravity Falls?" I instantly looked at Dipper. He was looking at a map of this town.
"Right, Dipper?" I added.
"W-what?" he looked at me. He had probably no idea what I was talking about. I heard Wendy giggled. Dipper blushed.
"I'm sorry, what did you say?"
"I said, that Wendy could take us to a tour so we can know it here a lot better." he immediately looked at Wendy. She was smiling at him.
"Yea, dudes. No problem, I guess." she shruged her shoulders with no problem.
"Cool. So tomorrow after your shift?" Dipper smiled at her.
"Y-yea, sure." she nodded.

After your little conversation some old man came to the gift shop. He called himself our gruncle Stan! I was really happy about that and I hugged him. ..He wasn't really happy about that, but who cares!

Wendy's POV
I had a break so I sneaked out from shop. Man, so these are Mabel and Dipper? I remember something abou Mr. Pines saying some kids will arrive on summer, but them?! I mean like... Who would call them kids?! But yeah, they're cool. Later after my break ended I heard Mr. Pines shouting and after that Mabel.

"Come on, gruncle! You have to wear it!"
"No, kid! I won't wear some kind of welcome sweater!"
"Gruncle Stan, come on!"
"Stop it! I can't breathe!"
"Oh, look at you! You look Mabelcious!"

I was curious what they were doing there, so I came back to shack and I saw Mr. Pines wearing purple sweater with white WELCOME on it and with his impression in his face I just couldn't help it and I burted with loud laugh.

"Man, you're crazy, dude." I wiped the tears from laughter.
"Oh, you're here!" Mabel yelled and quickly turn to me. When I saw what she was holding I nervously swallowed.
"Oh, no...MABEL NO!" I started running around room, because she was chasing me with another welcome sweater.
"C'mon, Wendy! It will suit you perfectly!"
"Get away from me!" I started laughing.

About few minutes later I was also wearing the welcome sweater. Great. After that Mabel took something from her bag. It was something like.. scrapbook with camera in her other hand.
"Dipper, get your ass here, dork!" she yelled at her brother. "And go between them!" she also pointed at us. Oh, jeez. He went next to me and grabbed us by the shoulders. Then Mabel took photo. Man, I wish I just didn't blush. But why did I? I have a boyfriend! So chill!

"Say Mabel!"
"Maaaabel." we all said with a big smile. She took a picture and put it in her book. I looked at clock and I realized that my job is over. It went it so fast? Wow, well gotta go.
"I'm off, Mr. Pines!" I waved to others and put my helmet on.
"See you tomorrow, Wendy!" Mabel shouted. Oh yea, our tour is tomorrow. Why am I so nervous about this.

Mabel's POV
I waved back to Wendy. She is so kind. She could be the perfect friend for Dipper! But as I know Dipper he hasn't guts to be her friend. My, my.. this could be a problem. My thoughts were distracted because of Dipper. He was on his mobile... again.

"Dipp! Shut it!" I took his mobile.
"Hey! Why?!"
"Doesn't matter. Aaanyways.. what do you think about Wendy? She's pretty cool, aye?"
"Yea.. Why do you ask, tho?"
"Just wanted to know!"
"Hmf, if you think so.." he went upstairs to our room. Eh, who am I lying to. It's actually an attic. But it will be pretty cool attic if I get there and do a MAKEOVER!

The rest of the day we spent unpacking our things and making attic look more better. I think we did a great job, tho! And I am looking forward to our little tour. Mostly because od my bro-bro. Just imaginig him socialize makes me feel more happy!

Heya! See you at the next chapter tomorrow!
Also big thanks for voting and reading my story! Also I am so happy for comments, so if you want to, feel free to!

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