Chapter Four

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The sun was gone from the sky as it settled for the night, but Nat had not returned yet. Jack wandered aimlessly through the woods, hoping to fall upon her somewhere. North had said that Nat was always around these parts because she had her heart set on a few children down the road. So this was the most accurate place to start.

Suddenly below him, the ground ended; a cliff. Jack stopped flying and knelt down at the edge while peering over, his staff stood closely next to him. Something was at the bottom, the colors were not brown, or green, or any colors of the woods, they were purple and a slight pink. Curiosity took over him and he jumped off the cliff, flying down into the trees to the sight of the colors.

It was a small girl, she was sprawled out on the ground, her little dress was all crumpled and lying in heaps around her silent body. Her messy pigtails were slightly falling out and her eyes were closed, but her face was curved into a sad frown. His heart seemed to swell and tears rose to his eyes to trickle down his cheeks, no child ever deserved to die. Jack looked up towards the top of the cliff, a piece of her skirt had ripped off and was attached a bit higher up from where she lay. She had fallen from the cliff.

"I'm sorry." he mumbled, a tear trickled down his face as he carefully picked her up into his arms. He needed to find out who she belonged to, and maybe he could figure out if she unknowingly stepped off or if she was purposely pushed. Nevertheless, the one who was supposed to be watching over her was going to get his rath.

Jack flew into the sky and looked around, there was only forest and trees for acres, until a peek of black sand lifted above them. This couldn't be good. His eyes suddenly spotted a nearby house at the other end of the woods and he landed there, gently setting her into the grass by the bushes of the forest. Maybe they could help find her parents, and let them know the dreadful news.

Jack jumped back into the sky and located the sand, the only thing that was swirling around in his head, was Nat. She was to stubborn to call for help, because she felt like the guardians would only make a mess of things, like she was far more powerful than them. At least, that's was vibrated off of her whenever she was around us.

With his staff by his side Jack shot forward, leaving a little frost as he went, Winter was coming, that shouldn't be forgotten, this was their job. Nat was suppose to be helping him with this as Jack took over, but she always seemed a little off in her own world.

Jack slowly approached the sand and peered down at them from above, Nat was here, and she was as beautiful as ever, but besides that fact, she seemed in trouble.

Nat and Pitch

"You have to end this Pitch, you have gone too far. You hurt a child!" Nat yells at the black sand around her. Anger swelled in her, the wind started to swirl around them as it showed her emotions quite well.

"But you don't know that for sure now do you?" he asked, his voice bounced off of the trees as he held himself in the shadows, invisible to the eye.

"You told me to imagine the worst, so I am," Nat replied calmly as she looked around. "What are you looking to gain now? You just lost your chance at a believer in.. your fear," she scoffs, putting her hands behind her back.

"That doesn't worry me, what I'm looking for is not simply a child, but a little more than that, something that I can use, something that helps me more than I help myself."

"So what are you looking to use? Can you answer that?" Nat asks curiously, she couldn't help but want to discover what he was up to.

"Those answers are for you to figure out yourself, look around you, what do you see?"

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