Cancer (f) x Capricorn (m)

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*** This chapter and the ones after it are under editing, read at own risk***

Cancer was in the hallway at school when she bumped into someone.
"Sorry," muttered Cancer. Then she looked up and saw her crush, Capricorn.
"It's fine," said Capricorn then he got up and walked away. Oh no, now he'll think I'm useless and clumsy! But, he looked really sad. I wonder if he's alright. Thought Cancer.
"Are you alright?" asked Scorpio who helped her up.
"Yes, thanks," said Cancer.
"What's wrong?" asked Scorpio.
"I bumped into... him," admitted Cancer.
"Oh. So now you think you don't have a chance with him because you accidentally bumped into him," said Scorpio.
"Kind of. Also he looked kind of sad and that makes me worry about him. He's usually really happy so there must be something really bothering him," said Cancer.
"I'm sure he's fine," said Scorpio.
"I hope so," said Cancer.

As soon as Capricorn got home he ran up to his room. Great, dad isn't home yet. Thought Capricorn. Then he worked on his homework.

An hour later the door slammed shut. Shit!
"Capricorn! Get down here!" screeched his dad. Capricorn walked downstairs slowly.
"Yes dad?" asked Capricorn.
"I called your math teacher and she said you didn't do very well on your last test."
"Dad, everyone in my calculus class did kind of bad. Even my teacher said it was a hard test," said Capricorn.
"I don't care what everyone else says, it's about how YOU do in that class."
"Dad I-"
"You're grounded. Bring me your phone. NOW!" Capricorn ran upstairs wondering why he still lives with his dad.

The next day at school Capricorn sat in math class. Then someone poked him on the shoulder.
"H-hi Capricorn," said Cancer nervously.
"Hi Cancer," said Capricorn.
"You look sad, are you alright? I mean, when people are sad I want to know if there's anything I can do to help," said Cancer while looking at the ground.
"No, I'm perfectly fine," said Capricorn.
"But, you don't look fine to me," said Cancer.
"I might look sad but I'm not, thanks for caring about me though," asks Capricorn.
"Okay, s-sorry for bothering you," said Cancer.
"You didn't bother me Canc-" Capricorn was interrupted by the teacher walking in the door. Is it really that obvious how upset I am? Or is she just good at reading people's emotions? Thought Capricorn.

At lunch Cancer was sitting beside Scorpio.
"He looked sad again today," said Cancer.
"Did you ask why?" asked Scorpio.
"No, I didn't want to push it, he was already upset and I didn't want him to get mad at me," explained Cancer.
"You must have it bad for him if you get so nervous being around him," said Scorpio. Cancer blushed.
"Maybe I do. I can't help it I need to find Capricorn and make sure he's alright," asked Cancer.
"Okay," said Scorpio. Then Cancer got up and walked around the hallways looking for Capricorn.

Capricorn was walking in the hallway when someone threw a paper ball at him. I can't deal with them today. First my dad and now those guys... this sucks. Thought Capricorn. There were a bunch of guys that knew about how Capricorn's mom ran away and his dad was abusive, and they didn't let Capricorn forget it either.
"Hey Cappy," called out one of the guys. Capricorn ignored him.
"Hey loser, I hope you know that no one loves you!" shouted another one of the bullies. The entire hallway went silent.
"T-that's wrong! I... I love him," said Cancer. Capricorn turned to look at Cancer with a shocked expression. The bullies snickered and walked away.
"Cancer? Do you-"
"Yes, I actually do like you. A lot. Sorry, I had to say something," said Cancer then she turned to walk away.
"No wait, why are you walking away?" asked Capricorn.
"I just told you how I felt, it's mortifying so I'm leaving before you can laugh at the silly girl that admired her love for someone," said Cancer.
"That doesn't make you silly, it make you brave. Also if you walk away I won't be able to tell you that we can go on a date sometime," said Capricorn. Cancer froze.
"You mean it?" asked Cancer.
"Yeah sure," said Capricorn.
"I can't wait!" said Cancer.
"Yeah, me either," said Capricorn. Finally I have someone that cares about me... it's a nice feeling. Thought Capricorn.

She's my sun shine in the middle of a storm.

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