2. school...

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Pre-caution note: I have NOTHING against nerds! They are awesome people and are ALWAYS very friendly! 

Chapter 2- School...

“Hey look its Madison”

“Did you hear she lost the race on purpose?”

“I heard she got offered money to lose”

“No, she lost because the captain of the football team wouldn’t go out with her”

“I heard the coach made her take steroids”

“Nah, I heard she took them on her own”

As soon as I walked through the doors of Benjamin Harrison High School, I was hit with the mean words of people who didn’t know the truth

“Maybe she’s getting paid to lose races”

“I think I remember her acting weirdly the day before the race”

All these words did hurt but I pushed past them repeating in my mind

They don’t know the truth, they don’t know the truth

But it was no use; I couldn’t get past the mean words and glares burning the back of my head

Maybe I could just say----

Like knowing what I was thinking Kat spoke up

“Ignore them, they don’t know anything”

I nodded and started walking to my locker

After unlocking my locker I started looking for my iPhone that I normally leave in my locker so I don’t lose it

“Hey! Heart!” I husky loud and not to mention mean voice shouted throughout the hallway

I turned my head to see Jake Polier, the captain of the football team walking towards me with his ‘friends’ behind him, And when I say ‘friends’ I mean the guys in the football team who are too afraid to speak up against him so they just follow him around, doing his every biding, friends. You could say me and Jake are friends, I was the first person to- 1 ever beat him at an arm wrestling match and 2 the first person to go against him (and come out on the better hand) so that earned me some respect from him but I’m guessing that’s all gone now but not to mention I saved him from the people at this school on his first day

“Um hi Jake” I smiled

“Why did you do it?!” he asked ignoring my attempt to me friendly

“Do what?”

“Lose the bloody race you dumb bitc----“

“don't you dare finish that sentence—“

“Bitch!” he finished ignoring my attempt to be angry


“Then why did you lose, you never lose” he shoot back, glaring at me and Kat


“See you can’t even think of an excuse so you did lose on purpose” I could tell by the look in his eyes he was disappointed but by his face he was putting on a show to be angry

You see our school pretty much revolves around sports, and most people in our school and in our town and really into sports, like most of our parents are athletes or coaches for huge sports companies, and if your parents aren’t into sports or if you’re not into sports, well let’s just so you wouldn’t survive in this school

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