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Chapter Nineteen - What I deserve

Jax's POV:

My body had long become numb thanks to a quick overdose of painkillers before Timothy decided to tie me to the bed and have his way with me again. Or maybe it wasn't the painkillers because I overdosed to the point of a possible suicide yet, here I am. Maybe I couldn't feel him pounding in and out of my black and blue body because...I could no longer feel.

Maybe I'm just completely numb.

I had begun to take comfort in the ceiling every time he decided to come in here and take me against my will. I don't bother protesting because I know it only turns him on to see me beg. I don't speak, I don't answer back, I don't do anything.

He's broken me and he knows it.

For three days straight he's used my body for whatever he felt was right at the time whether it be for sex, to beat me, bruise me or cut me. I've run dry of tears, there were so many times I wanted to break down but I physically couldn't, I was too drained of emotion.

I thanked God when I heard him grunt into my neck meaning that he was peaking and soon my body will be given a break. Seconds later I feel myself being filled with his disgusting seed as he lathers my body with sickening kisses, my eyes never leaving the ceiling.

"Tomorrow you will go back to work, I'll know if you try run away or if you peep a word so I suggest you be smart and go and come straight back without raising any suspicion or things will get a lot worse than they already are. You wouldn't want me to kill Valentino earlier than I plan would you?" even after what Valentino said to it didn't change the confusing feelings I had for him.

The thought of Valentino dying made my numb body feel things for the first time in ages, I shook my head quickly at the idea. My obedience made Timothy smile. "Good boy and you will also call Jess tomorrow, I don't want her coming her checking on you to see if you're okay or I'll kill her too so make sure you're convincing. I would hate to take your sister from you baby but if I need to for us to be together, I will do it. I will do anything, I'm sure you know that by now," again I nodded knowing the weight his words carried.

"Go get cleaned up and get ready for bed, you'll need your energy for when I take you again tomorrow and work of course," without a word I get up and shuffled to the bathroom the chains on my ankles slowing me down, ignoring the burning sensation trailing up and down my backside. At least I wasn't bleeding this time.

The hot water was a blessing on my body. It felt so good that I would have cried if I had any tears left to shed. I was quick with the shower even though it was the best moment of my day because I knew that if I took too long Timothy would punish me.

Slipping out the shower I moisturise after towelling off and then I quickly slip on one of his tops knowing how much he loved it. Walking back into the bedroom I see him patting the space beside him, he was waiting for me. I watched as his eyes lit up at the sight of me in his clothes.

Pulling the covers back I slip in next to him and I face the wall closing my eyes as I feel him pull my body flush against his. It didn't feel right, it didn't feel anything like when Valentino held me that night or the morning after.

"You're so good to me baby, goodnight I love you," he whispered in my ear as he kissed the back of my head.

"I love you too," I lied.

I could do this, if I complied then he didn't hurt me, he was actually rather okay. I just had to be good for him that's all.


Morning came quickly and Timothy removed the chains for ankle before letting me go to work. He made me wear them in the house with him because he was worried that I would try escape and leave him, which I didn't blame him for believing.

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