*IMAGINE 9*(pt. 2 of Imagine 7)

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This Imagine is for SieraSmith6

It has been two weeks since your hubby Criss found your dad for your anniversary, and now you wanted to surprise Criss with something he's been wanting for a few months now...and now was the perfect time to give it to him...Criss was sitting in his home office looking over some paperwork for one of his demonstrations he was working on...when you ran into the room and jumped in his lap, and you kiss his neck and tell him you have something to tell him...but he just mumbles...you giggle and tell him he sounds like a hummingbird...then you took the paper out of his hand and asked him to pay attention to you...

Criss dropped everything and put you in a bear hug and said all his attention was now on you...you giggled as he tickled you a little bit...then you told him that when you went in to have your physical done...the Dr gave you some shockingly good news...Criss spun you around to face him and said no way!!...you just gave him a silly grin and shook your head yes...Criss yelled out as he jumped out of the chair with you still in his arms and swung you around like a rag-doll...telling you how ecstatic he was!! That you were finally giving him a baby.

Just then your dad bursts in the door and says he wanted you to meet the rest of his family...you hesitate and act like you didn't really want too, but Criss grabs your hand and tells you that it was a good idea...but to make you feel more secure...Criss would invite Duane's family to Serenity...so you would be home, instead of you traveling to Hawaii. You took a deep breath in and agreed to it...

That next Saturday, Serenity's driveway was full of vehicles, and people you never saw before...you couldn't believe you were related to so many people...but Dog and Beth you knew of, for you loved watching their TV show...and you knew of Leland from the show as well...but the rest were total strangers to you...

Your dad slowly introduced all of them to you and to Criss, and you settled down once you found out that they were all very nice...but you decided to write all their names down, just in case you forgot any of them...Leland and his kids Dakota, Leiah, and Cobie...then Lyssa and her two kids Maddie and Abbie...then there was Cecily.

All in all, it was very fun and exciting meeting up with your new family...and as soon as dinner was over with...they all welcomed you into the family...then they headed back to Hawaii. After they congratulated you for the bun in the oven.

*Criss Angel Forever Imagines* (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now