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You and Criss have been dating hard and heavy for 6 months...and you thought everything was going perfectly...but one day Criss comes home and out of nowhere and for no good reason he starts arguing and fighting with you...you had no idea what was going on, but you weren't about to take any of his shit, and fought back...after three hours of putting up with his mouth, you go up to your room and slam the door in his face and lay down on the bed...and tell him that you were done fighting with him...and you just ignored him from then on...

Criss got very pissed off at you for that and bursts into the door, and grabs his keys, and out of the blue said he was so fucking done with your ass, and stormed out of the house, and drove off...you thought he was just going to blow off his steam and then he'd be back...but he never came back...after the first week of him being gone, you went into a deep depression, and wondered what it was that you did wrong...your girlfriends helped you through it, and said it wasn't you...it was his crazy ass. 

After 8 months of Criss being out of your life, you had an unexpected bundle of joy come into your life, Criss got you pregnant, and you gave birth to a very adorable little boy...and you decided to name him Johnny...but after Criss's very hostile goodbye...you were too afraid to tell him about Johnny...so you took care of him by yourself, until he was three years old...you had just put him down for his nap, and your phone rings...you run into your bedroom to grab your phone, right when you say hello...you realized that Criss was on the other end...begging you to come to Vegas, for a few weeks that it was a dire emergency...right when Criss used those words you thought something was maybe wrong with momma D, or one of his brothers were sick or hurt...and without thinking you tell him you'd be there.

You get your best friend Rachel to take care of Johnny while you rushed to Vegas to see what was going on...when you got there Criss met you at the airport...and he immediately wrapped his arms around you like nothing had ever happened...and tells you thanks for coming on such a short notice...you quickly ask him what the emergency was...but he just loads you up in his car and races off to The Luxor...once he got you up into his room, he begins to rub and kiss on you...you push him back and ask him what the hell his problem was...

Criss locks the door, and sits you down and tells you that he was the emergency...that he was having an emotional breakdown...and out of every girl he's ever been with you were the only one he regrets fucking up with...that you were the only one that he loved truly...and he wanted to make up, and that his depression was killing him...and you were the only one on his mind. You looked at him, then began to blow up at him for lying to you about the emergency...and said you hadn't seen, heard, or been with him in over three years!!! And now he wanted to apologize and ask for your forgiveness! Then you told him that you were leaving...

Criss ran in front of you and begged you through his tears to please give him another chance with you...that knew he fucked up before...and that it was all his fault, that you did nothing wrong...but it just took him a long time to break his stubborn pride and tell you he was wrong. He came up to you and held you very closely and cried hysterically...and just got worse...when you moved toward the door to leave...deep down you hated to see him tore up so bad...but you also needed to let him know that he really hurt you when he did that to you...so you made him grovel just a little more...and said that you weren't going to play his game anymore...for you were never going to let him hurt you like that again.

Criss dropped to his knees and begged you to give him just one more chance...that he never stopped loving you...and his heart was shattered and broken, without you...then he added that he didn't care if you beat the shit out of him, for he knew he deserved it...then said just to please don't leave him. Criss calmed down a little then stood up and put his arms around you, and asked through his tears...if you missed him at all...even just a little bit. You put your arms around him and gave into him, and said you missed him with every beat of your heart...and that you never stopped loving him either. 

He gave you a big squeeze and asked if you were going to accept his apology then, and stay with him...you took a few steps back and said you accepted his apology, but you couldn't stay very long for you had a responsibility you had to get back home too...Criss moved up close to you and asked you what kind of responsibility...Criss' s jaw dropped when you told him you had a son...which he immediately got infuriated with, and quickly asked you who the bastard was that took his girl away from him...so he could kick his fucking ass...you had to laugh at him as he said that, when he calmed down enough to realize how much you were laughing, and he asked what was so funny...you just pointed at him still laughing...then told him that you were looking into the eyes of the bastard that gave you the child...then added that you would really like to see him kick his own ass.

Criss fell back into the chair and said he was a daddy...that whole time and you never said anything to him about it...you sat down next to him, and said that by the way he stormed off and said how much he hated you...you were too afraid to tell him anything...so you raised him yourself...Criss jumped up quickly and asked what his name was, and you told him Johnny Crisstopher....tears welled up in his eyes as he put you in his loving embrace, and asked if he could see him...you told him that it could be arranged...then he asked if you would let him be his daddy...you laughed at him and said he was already...Criss said no he wasn't he was the biological father...but he wanted to know if you would let him be his daddy.

You looked at him and asked him if he was saying what you thought he was....Criss knelt down and asked if he could have you and his son back in his life, and live here in Vegas with him...you dropped down to eye level with him, and said that you would give him one more chance...and if he broke your heart again...you'd kill him...Criss grabbed you up in his arms and said deal...then he rushed into the bedroom with you and gave you the longest and most passionate makeup session ever...you forgot how sexually dominant he was...then you called up Rachel, and asked her to bring Johnny with her to Vegas...so he could meet his daddy.

Criss met his son, and looked at you and said you being back in his life made him the happiest man on the planet...then he took you and Johnny to your new home with your Magical Mindfreak...three weeks later Criss finally gave you your wedding ring...and Rachel was your maid of honor, and official babysitter...that fell head over heels in love with Costa when he came over to visit. and Criss knew sooner or later he would be the best man at their wedding.

*Criss Angel Forever Imagines* (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now