*IMAGINE 34*(pt 2 of Imagine 32)

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This Imagine is for SieraSmith6

Klayton took you on the date, which ended out being absolutely perfect...he was an extremely silly, but perfect gentleman...and so sweet, opening every door for you...while he was talking to one of his fans...you texted your sister and told her to thank Criss for this...and also for taking care of Hayley while she was on the incredible date with Klay. 

She said no problem, and that you deserved to find happiness and Klayton was looking for a special someone, to share his life with, and so far every girl he had in the past, was a total bust...and that you might be his game changer...when Klay got back to his chair you put your phone up, and you both together finished dinner, after he apologized for the interruption.

After the dinner, he offered to take you to his studio to show you what he's been working on...but then asked if you were interested in techno/rock/ style music, with electronic sounds to it...you eagerly jumped to the offer, for you were now very interested in him, and really wanted to know all about him...you ended up watching him perform a few of his songs for you...then he offered to show you how to work some of his alien-like gizmos, and he pulled you in front of him and began explaining what each one was for, and how they worked...you and he ended up making all kinds of silly noises with his equipment...but towards the end, he really liked one that you and he made together, and said he was going to use it on one of his songs.

It was close to 10:30 p.m. when he said he better get you back to Serenity...he took you home, and then said he had an incredible afternoon and evening with you, and that he would really like to do it again soon...you couldn't resist any longer and you kissed him and said you would love to see him again...and that you had more fun this evening than you ever had. Klayton kissed your hand, and said tomorrow then?...you blushed a little and said tomorrow sounds great...he walked to his car and in a silly manner, gave himself a high five, then pulled out...

Criss and your sister came downstairs to ask how your date went, but Criss added with a cheesy grin the way your face expression was...you totally wanted to see his buddy Klayton again...you gave a wide smile and said yeah...tomorrow...then you passed by them both and headed to your room to sleep it off, after checking on Hayley who was sound asleep next to Criss's son Johnny.

*Criss Angel Forever Imagines* (Book 3)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora