Car Crash-part II

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Ps.- I may or may not forgotten about this story. XP. Continue scrolling loves.♡


Liam's P.O.V

My mind is clouded. I can't think straight. Like some shit happens in just a heartbeat, it's not what I'm expecting. Niall's broken voice clouded through my head. The voice seems to be stuck inside my knots. I quickly grabbed my keys and completely dragged a confuse Louis inside my car and quickly speeding of.

"What wrong? I know somethings wrong. But tell me Li." I shrugged. I know I should tell him but part of me doesn't want to. Not that I don't want him to know, it's just that I can't manage to open my mouth and spill out words. He frowned. "Li, come on. I have the rights to know what happend to Niall and Harry. Remember, I'm the oldest so-" I sighed heavily cutting him off. "They've gotten into a car accident." I explained, my voice cracking to the second to the last part. "Oh really? How can that- wait, what?" His expression changed from annoyed to shocked. I huffed. "You heard me right, Lou." He shakes his head. "I know but, how? Like, are they okay? Where are they?" I can tell that he's in panic on the inside but he manage to keep himself stable. "Niall said that he's okay, but he don't know about Harry's. He just said that there was an eight wheeler truck that blocked their sight of the road. Then, everything when spinning and he heard a crash. When he opened his eyes he felt a pain somewhere in his body parts, he then saw Harry looking lifeless and blood flowing out of his head." I trailed. Taking a deep breath. "Niall said that he'll text me the address to the hospital." Shock expression came out of Louis' face. He looked pale, like he just seen a ghost. "I-i... shit!" He cursed. I can tell that he's having a hard time to cope with the situation, and same as me. I kept my eyes trailed to the road. I kept thinking what if Harry isn't okay? What if Harry couldn't make it? I know I have to be strong but who could be blaimed. I'm not the one who'd done the accident. But I can't help it. I love Harry to much, that I can't stand seeing him miserable even though he didn't deserve it. Just then, my random terrible thoughts was interrupted by the sound of my phone beeping inside my pocket. Louis glance at me, "Read it." I ordered and he quickly slid my phone out, sliding to unlock then reading the message.

NiallxMr. Fart headx:

       Hey Liam, where at the London Medical Hospital. I'm scared, Li. What if something wrong happens? Hurry up. Please.

Louis reads. I snorted a bit. "Really Liam? Mr. Fart head?" He smirked raising an eyebrow. "Shut up." He just staired at me with the 'we're not finish, but we'll continue later' look. "Text him back." "How? I'm not that smart." "Shithead. Just tell hin that there's nothing to worry about, that he shouldn't be thinking that kind of stuff. And also tell him that we're almost there." He nodded then typed on my phone. Just a matter of seconds my phone dings signaling that the message has been sent. Once again, Louis laughed. I shook my head in disbelief. I chuckled lightly. Next time, I would rather think about to shits of letting Louis message on my phone ever again.

After minutes of driving, we finally ended up in the hospital that Niall and Harry had been driven to. I quickly got inside, heading to the counter. "We're here for Niall Horan and Harry Styles." I said. The woman nodded then checking on her computer. She came back face us. "Well, Mr. Horan is in the waiting room. He just gotten out of being x-rayed and he manage to get a few broken bones which will heal in no time. But unfortunately, for Mr. Styles, he's currenly on the ER due to the much damage and loss of blood to his body. Thank you." She explained. I admit my heart had already been shuttered but hearing those words come out of her mouth makes me feel weak. Louis dragged me to the waiting room where we saw Niall with a casted ankle and arm. His face lit up when he saw us. We sat beside him, embracing him with a huge and tight hug but not too tight tho. "I was worried sick. Are you okay? Tell me that you're okay?" I was on urge of bursting into tears but I manage to get them stop. I need to be strong. "Yeah, Ni. Are you okay?" Louis repeats my question. Niall nodded into my chest. A sob cracked out of his mouth. "Shh, don't worry, Ni. Harry's strong. He's a fighter, remember?" He nod once again. My shirt is now soaked with but I could careless. I'm here to comfort Niall. And I wouldn't be able to do that if I showed weakness. I rubbed his back. He's shaking, shaking from fear. He was about to say something when an unfamiliar voice had spoken.

"Harry Styles?" The doctor asked. We all stood up quickly. "That's us." Louis replied. "Are you the family?" I shake my head. "No, his family is in another country. We're the only ones that he got." I explained. The doctor nods montioning us to take a sit. "So first of, I'm doctor Wil. I'm responsible for mister Harry's surgery and blood transfusion. Are you aware that your friend had lost many amount of blood that we actually lost him two time during and before the surgery. He's a fighter though. He's really strong. He manage to fracture his skull which is now fixed and bandadge up. He also broke three of his ribs which is now also fixed and a injure arm and legs that are all patched up. I advice you that he will be staying here for a couple of days just for observation on how his wounds heal." He breath. I made sure to keep that all noted inside my head. He cleared his throat. "Okay, I would be letting you guys in but, you have to be really quiet and make sure not to mess up any equipment inside the ER. Thanks and if you need something just call me." We nodded then he walk away. I was nervous, nervous on what I might see. I slowly opened the door seeing Harry so small and fragile that has been hooked up with ab IV drip and buch of tubes and along with the bandadges and casts. "Oh Hazza." I whispered. Sitting beside his bed. Next to me is Niall, while on the other side is Louis. His eyes fluttered open. He crooked a smile which sent us a bit of relief and happiness. We smiled back. "Hey." He greeted. "Hey, Haz." I greeted back. "Don't do that again. We lost you two time already and I think I can't bare if they didn't saved you." Niall cried. Harry looks shock but relaxes after. "Sorry, guys. I didn't mean to. But I promise that it will never ever be happening again. I love you guys." We hugged him tighly, "we love you too, Harry." We all say in sync.

I don't care if we have to stay longer in the hospital. I know that all that I cared for is Harry, and just Harry. Even though this memory will be forever we planted inside our heads, it shows how strong Harry is. That he wouldn't give up.



Hey guys! Long time aye! Hahaha so christmas had come and also Louis' 25th b-day. Well, HAPPY B-DAY BOOBEAR!! & also MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY! Fuck yeah, even tho I didn't enjoy christmas this year (clearly all of us are, bc 2010 is a fucking demon year. ;) ) it's okay. Atleats new year is about to come the *drum roll* COME BACK OF THE MOST FAMOUS AND BIGGEST AND MOST HANDSOMEST BOY BAND 'ONE DIRECTION' AHHHHHHHH! scream with me AHHHHHHHH!!!! I feel like crying. Hehehe.. so, I just remembered this and I'm completely sorry about it though. :)))

Ps.- sorry, I know it's late but I can't help it. Ps. Out! ☆


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All the love.


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