Chapter 1

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The "future" we are told to call it, a "dystopia" my mother says; but to me a black and single 19 year old from what is left of Italy now thinks that it's even worse than hell; even though I have never even been there yet, though I have read a few books about it. So I'm going to give a little back story on the type of country that I am currently living in. So it's the year 2064, and before you get ahead of yourself, no there aren't any flying cars and whatnot but we got scientist all over currently trying to rectify that problem. We do have advanced tech though, not that I have or have seen, due to the fact that 1) I am poor and 2) I live in one of the poor cities of Italy, Venice. Back in the day, this city used to be great, the canals used to shimmer, everyone used to walk along the docks and streets, smiling and laughing. The buildings looked brand new and there was always love in the air, so much romance. It was wonderful, so I've been told, and then twenty years later Queen Harmonie had fallen in love at seventeen but the guy cheated on her with her best friend. From there she went ballistic, utterly insane. Making these irrational rules, like once you turn three you get taken away from your real family and placed with a new one, so that no one gets attached or so that no one is ever happy, just as she wasn't. Another good one is that men and women ages twenty and up are separated. Men on the east and women on the west, Women are not allowed to leave their homes unless they have gotten permission from the guards that we have outside our doors. How children are made then, you may ask. Queen Coral has this match making generator shit and as soon as you turn 17, then you are told who you are compatible with then you have two years to pop a kid, only one. You cannot have twins, if you do then one is executed, no siblings are allowed. Anyways after that parents are then separated, men on the east and women on the west. Then for kids its girls with men and boys with women till your 17. Confused yet? Good because I still don't get it myself. I learned to get over these rules, just like how everybody else should but my fake mom, Lora never could shut up about it. When she's feeling bitchy she rants about it to me, which gets very annoying at times. Nevertheless, now that's the end of the back story, now let's get back to the present. So I am 19 right? Meaning I should be already popping kids, well I am not because I am yet to be told who my "mate" is. It's unusual for the Queen's court to be so unorganized like this, they're usually on things like this, but I guess I am a rare case. I walk along the sidewalk, just inches from the canal. My step mother had sent me to go retrieve some groceries from the other side of town about an hour ago. I am still yet to have them though. I wanted to take my time, thus I walk a little slower and enjoy the fresh air, and the radiant sun that beams upon my chocolatey skin. Although I am not really allowed to stay too long on this side of the city, I will get in trouble. Not sure what kind of trouble, but it will not be good. There was no one in sight. Nobody comes out on the sidewalks, except kids that still have their memories intact but they only come on the sidewalk to get to the hills. But I don't blame them; it's depressing around here; broken down buildings cause of the shootings, the past riots and the fact that princess Coral won't put any funds into fixing this shit up. She is just as bad as her mother. Damn red heads, do they really have to be red necks too? "Tré Demming!" I hear a rather deep voice yell. I debate on whether I should turn around and talk or make a run for it. However if I do choose to run then it is most likely that I will end up with a bullet either in my back, head or legs. I grip onto the hem of my cargos and take a deep breath, but I don't turn around.

"Non ti preoccupare" I begin, "I was just leaving." I say, still with my back towards them. When I didn't hear anything else, I continued on walking.

"We need you to come with us." This time I turn around and face the two men that stood meters from me. One brunette, who looked twice my age and a dark male who looked roughly around my age.

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