Chapter 25

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Devonte, William and I were banging on the door one after the other. We took turns body checking the stupid force field but it was no use. Samantha has to handle this all on her own and all we could do was sit and watch. I wish our abilities could work in this situation but Devonte and I only know a quarter of our abilities and barely knew how to work them. "Why are you guys stopping? We have to get inside!" Devonte shouts, spitting all over both Williams and my face. This guy was seriously losing it; he paced around in circles, running his hand across his head. "Devo, we can't do anything this shit isn't going to budge and your girlfriend is going to be fine." I grabbed him by both of his shoulders so he could pull himself together. William didn't do anything or say anything. He went back to being his quiet self, not knowing what else to say. The Princess killed his girl back in the day and he is the only one who knows what Coral is capable of doing. He seems more scared for Samantha then hopeful that she will get out of there in one piece. I released my grasp from Devonte to go see how our girl was doing and she seemed to be doing alright so far. She dodged to the side then side kicked Coral at her side, with her then counter attacking with a punch at Samantha's gut. "Samantha focus, I know you can do it!" I banged on the field screaming. She tucked her stomach in agonizing pain then took a hit to the back, falling then to the ground. This is so not like her, Samantha doesn't give up and when she is in pain she doesn't let it get to her either. She usually ignores it and continues attacking but this time she looks like she is actually quitting. "Get up Samantha, Get up!" This time it was Devonte; he stood next to me and banged on the field to get her attention. Samantha didn't listen though she just kept taking hit after hit after hit. Coral pulled out her gun this time and pointed it directly at her chest. "I told you bitch that you can't end me." Samantha looked up at her with an expression I couldn't see but it obviously pissed off the princess because she said, "What the hell are you grinning about?" Right away Samantha yanks off her necklace and throws it towards where Devonte, William and I were. She then does a Chinese get up, right in front of Coral and round house kicks her across the face. Why the hell did she take off her necklace for? I wondered. Well it didn't really matter now, it is almost the end. Samantha pulls out both guns from her bra and points them directly at Coral who was lying helplessly on the ground. "I am laughing at your death bitch." Samantha pulls the trigger and two blows come out of the guns going directly in Corals chest. Samantha turns around to face us, with a grin that spreads wide across her face. William leaps up from where he sat and looked over at Samantha with a smile and so did Devonte and I. Samantha limped over towards us shouting something but I couldn't hear what she was trying to say. "What!" I yelled. "Push your..." She tried yelling louder but we still couldn't hear what she was trying to say. She was too far away for us to hear. "Push what?" This time William yelled. She looked a little annoyed this time. "Push your necklaces together with mine." She finally yelled loud enough for us to hear her. "Oh." We all said back me and Devonte took our necklaces and then pointed them in the direction of where hers laid in the field. The field immediately broke and Devonte, William and I walked through heading towards Samantha. She limped over towards us with sweat drooping down her face and hair shriveled up, but then suddenly we heard a non-pleasant sound and it didn't come from any of us, It was a sound that no one wanted to hear unless it came from us, It was a sound that caused us all to run, it was the sound of a bullet. Samantha's body jerked forward, as the bullet had entered her from behind. She stood there for a second: Mouth shut, eyes bulging as if she were surprised and the rise and fall in her chest diminished. Right after, her eyes fluttered before closing shut and she dropped sideways on to the ground. William immediately grabbed his bow and arrow from around his back and fired it right at the murderer herself, making sure she was dead. The sound of Coral's chuckle before Williams arrow plunges into her throat, echoes in my ear. William shot and shot and shot until he had no more arrows left. "SAMANTHA!" Devonte screamed and ran over to where her body laid, but me I just stood there with no expression, no emotion. There was no way she could possibly be dead, this just seemed way to unreal to me. I store at her lifeless body as it hung in Devonte's arms, her pale lips as they began to lose their color, her blood stained hair as it no longer bounced in the wind.

"Fuck you, fuck you." William yelled continuously at Coral's dead body.

"No, no, no, this can't be happening." Devonte wept. "Samantha wake up! " He yells this time to her lifeless body. Maybe I am just having a really bad nightmare. Now could someone just wake me up please? I flicked my wrist a few time, then pinched my hand, but nothing happened. I am not waking up, because this is actually happening. I am not dreaming, and I am not imagining things. Samantha just got shot and Samantha is dead. The sound of thumping feet against the ground is what awakens me from my trance. I turn around and spot a group of men rushing through the room. They were wearing grey body suits and masks that only showed their eyes. We thought that they were coming for us so we all stood up and I stood up right in front of them ready to fight them off, but instead they pushed me aside, heading towards where Devonte was on the ground, with Sam. They had a gurney, an oxygen mask and a whole bunch of IV's. I expected them to come for Coral but they didn't, they took Samantha from Devonte's arms and laid her flat down on the ground. Next, while one guy snipped off Sam's shirt, the other guy took out a defibrillator and set it up. Once Sam's shirt was removed and all she had on was her sports bra, the guy raised the iron things to the air and shouted, "Clear!" before slamming them right down on her bare chest. Sam's body jerked right up with the irons, but her body still remained still. Devonte did not understand what was happening, he pushed himself between the men, trying to grab at Sam but they denied him access.

"Hey, what are you doing? Get away from her!" Devonte shouts, not realizing that they are trying to help her. William and I however, knew what they were doing so we did not try to stop them. William rushed to Devonte, attempting at calming him down but Devonte pushed him away instead. "Get off me!" He barked at William. Then he grabbed one of the men that was now adjusting Sam on the gurney and whipped him right around.

"What are you doi-" Devonte stops and stares at the guy in shock, he stares at him with disbelief.

"Brody?" He gasps. The guy anyhow does not say anything. He turns away from Devonte and rushes Sam out of the castle on the gurney, with some men on either sides of the gurney and others trailing behind. Devonte does nothing nor says anything, possibly because he believes that the guy that he thought he recognized will help Sam.

"We have to follow them," I finally say and Devonte nods in agreement.

"I know where they are taking her. Follow me." William says, running through the castle towards the way we came. Devonte and I followed after him and when we reached the door we didn't see any sign of anyone anywhere.

"They must have taken a jet, come on just grab one of these motor cycles." As if he read my mind, William pointed to where a bunch of motorcycles laid on the ground. I assume these were from all the guards that William killed while we were battling off men. Devonte didn't hesitate or ask any questions. He grabbed a decent motorcycle and started the bike. Although before I got on I spotted this woman, wearing the exact same outfit as the men that took Sam, but her head and face wasn't covered. She hid beside a tree, scoping the area and once her eyes lay on me she leaped up into the tree and vanished. I got a good look at her though, even though she was pretty far, I noticed her brown hair and pale skin. Now who she is, is a mystery to me.

We eventually arrive at a hospital; it looked around twenty stories high, tallest hospital I've ever seen.

"Why is she here?" Devonte asks. "This is a hospital Devonte; why else would she be doing here?" I respond.

"You guys head up to the top floor, I have some business to take care of," William said waving us off, not even waiting for our response. What could he possibly have to do that is more important than this?

It smelled funny in here. I've never been in a hospital before, well none that I can remember that is. There were lights everywhere, blinding me and making it impossible for me to see where I was going. There were also doctors with masks and blue suits flooding throughout the building; some with clipboards and some with panic in their eyes.

"Come on Devonte I think I saw an elevator here." I wave Devonte in the direction that I am heading and he rushes over.

Once the elevator close and began to move, Devonte began to freak out. "Holy shit we are moving." He yells and pulls out a knife from his holster. I roll my eyes and sigh. "Put your knife away Devonte we are fine." Devonte does as he is told and puts away, but slowly as if not believing me when I tell him that we are fine. The elevator eventually came to a stop, finally.

"You see, I told you it is alright. Now come on let's find Samantha."


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