Chapter 26

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Tré and I have been sitting out here for about fifteen minutes, being told that we couldn't go inside because Samantha was still in surgery. So we wait with eagerness and worry for the doctors to tell us that she is alright, to tell us that she was very lucky. I hate how just when I finally cured the nostalgic pain inside me by finding the love of my life and discovering that I have the chance of recalling our pasts together by some strange side effect from the amnesia needle, is when stupid Coral decides to shoot and possibly kill my salvation.

"How long has it been 5? Or 6 hours?" Tré flings himself right up from his seat and begins to pace around in circles and rubbing his hands together. Throughout this whole journey, never had I seen Tré this scared. He usually acts nonchalantly as if everything was going to be okay; unlike me I always worried about everything. That's one thing he could do better than me, he can turn serious situations into chill situations.

"Tré it's almost been fifteen minutes, sit down. Samantha is going to be okay." I hope.

"You see that's the thing. You don't know that, I don't know that, maybe even the doctors don't know that. She has dodged death at least three times, what are the odds of her getting out of this a fourth time? No one has seen her fight for her life as many times as I did." Even though it kills me to even agree but Tré is right, Samantha has already dodged death so many times. It would be a miracle if she could dodge it again for the fourth and final time. "C'mon we are going inside." I say. The only way I was going to believe Samantha was okay is if I see her for myself and thankfully Tré agrees enough not to argue. He follows after me in complete silence. I look left and right, checking to see if there were any doctors in sight and their weren't, so I slowly turn the round silver knob and open the door to a cool room that smelt like hand sanitizer and a tint of death. I turn my head over to where Samantha laid and I then notice the unexpected. There he was the little blonde, pressing his glowing hands against Samantha's chest. I had no idea what the hell he was doing pressing his hands against Samantha's chest but I didn't like it one bit. "What the hell are you doing?" Tré says beating me to it. William quickly stops what he is doing, causing his hands to stop glowing and his eyes to pop open.

"Shit...I─" Before William could say anything Tré interrupted him by pressing William up against a wall, pinning him up by his neck, leaving Williams legs dangling above the ground. My eyes go wide as I see how Tré pins William up, without losing a sweat. Damn, I didn't know he was that strong.

"I asked what the hell you were doing to Samantha." Tré grits through his teeth, attempting at intimidating William but William didn't show the slightest bit of fear. William was older than him after all, by two years.

"Tré calm the hell down and put William down." Tré and I both know William would never do anything to harm Samantha, so why was he overreacting?

"I can't, not until he tells me what he was doing and how he was doing it. Why the hell were you glowing?" When William doesn't say anything Tré slams his back harder against the wall causing William to groan in pain. "Tell me!" There was nothing I could do, I want to help William out but at the same time I did want him to answer the questions.

"I was healing her." He chokes out but loud enough for both Tré and I to hear. Tré scoffed under his breath out of disbelief and I just stood where I was, hoping that William has a better explanation than this. William looks over at me and I give him a pleading face. He sighs and opens his mouth to explain further.

"...With my abilities." He admits. Neither of us says anything after that, Tré immediately releases him after that and directs his eyes at Samantha. She laid there helpless, barely breathing but she was alive. "Explain, now..." Tré slowly says with no expression on his face.

RecallOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora