Chapter 3

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I flutter my eyes open and the closed them short after because of how bright the sun was.

"Shit, that's bright." I mumble, and lift myself up into a sitting position and rub my still closed eyes. Finally I opened them and squinted hard. Once adjusted I tilt my head to the side confused; now that's strange there was a beach in front of me and a forest behind me. How the hell did I even get here, am I even in Venice anymore? I feel dizzy and the last thing I remember was spotting Tré and then us running for ourselves as we got shot at, by these henchmen. Ever since I caught my ex with a package filled with info on Tré, I and four other people, I have been watching Tré. Stalking him you might say; waiting for someone to strike so I could get him the heck out of here and start my quest, to locate princess Coral, get my memories back and kill her ass. For years I have been trying to find a trigger to my memories and here he was, fighting for his life. So when it came to saving Tré, I did what I have been training to do for three years and that is kick some ass. I run my fingers through the sand beneath me, feeling through every single grain particle. This is the first time I have ever felt sand, it felt kind of nice and warm as it was heated by the sun. How the hell did I end up here anyways? And most importantly where the heck am I? I wasn't aware that Venice contained any beaches.

" are alive?" I heard from behind me. I whipped my head around to only seeing Tré.

"Well yeah, why not?"

"You don't understand. You were dead Samantha, like you drowned and weren't breathing." Well I am not much of a swimmer, I never actually had the money to pay someone to teach me and my ex was gone by the time I figured that I don't really know how to swim. He's the one that thought me the majority of the things I can do like shoot but swimming he did not, probably because did want me swimming out of the city. All I can do is tread and a bit of front crawl, something I learned on my own, but I am not that good.

"It's going to take a lot more than a little water to kill me. Now enough of that I am starving." I didn't want him knowing that I had a weakness, even though it was probably obvious that I do, so I change the subject and quickly snatch a skewer that I noticed in front of a fire that withheld a delicious fish. I devoured it quickly, not missing a single bite.

"Damn girl slow down you're eating as if you have not eaten in days." Tré chuckled at his comment but when he saw me go still and my face drop he stopped.

"Oh you're...I-I...I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. Here let me go catch some more." Tré got up awkwardly and walked over to the lake to go fish for more fish. It was true; I have not eaten in days. I have no friends, no family and no money. Apparently after I got my memories drained my father didn't want to take me in. I was unaware of the fact that people could do that, could decide not to keep their adopted child. So I was on my own. When I first got my memories drained, I stole until four months later, my ex found me and took me in, claiming he was my lover from before I got my memories whipped and we spent a year and a half together. Then things changed and he turned out to be not as I thought he was and I ran away, leaving no trace of me for him to find. Then it was back to steeling to survive.

Tré comes back with a skewer loaded with five fishes and hands them to me to hold while he starts the fire. He grabs a piece of naked wood, places it on a surface of wood and starts to spin it really fast between the palms of his hands. Instantaneously after the wood ignites and I jump startled and amazed at how that actually worked. Tré tosses a few branches or something into the flame and surrounds it by rocks. A smile escapes my lips and he turns around just in time to catch it.

"Impressed eh?"

I nod my head quickly because that actually was impressive.

"How'd you know how to do that?"

"My step mom taught me on one of her sober days." Tré shrugged it off as if it was nothing but it was something because my step dad didn't teach me shit. Tré grabs the skewer from my hands and places it right over the fire to cook. He patted the sand next to me, gesturing for me to sit next to him and keep warm and I did. I was freezing, I had no sweater and my shirt didn't even cover all my back.

"My step dad was an ass; you must have been one of the lucky ones." I finally say.

"How so?"

"After I got my memorizes drained, he said that he didn't want me anymore." I pull my legs into my chest and place my head on top of my knees as I recall that day. I was devastated when the henchmen told me that. I asked him where I would go, what would I do and he said either die or try to survive. I asked how and he said that it wasn't his problem. I tell Tré this and he says nothing. It was a depressing story and I've never told anyone till now.

"You see Tré, I want my memorize back and I want Coral dead for all the shit she put me through. I want to see her city burn to the ground; I want my face to be the last one she ever sees before I put a bullet in her head and most of all I want to remember the love of my life." We say nothing after that. We sit in silent, watching the fish slowly cook and once done he uses the end of the skewer to cut one of the fishes in half for me and I remove as many bones as I can and devour it quickly. Then take another. Eventually night time approaches, I laid on the ground beside the fire on my back and stare up at the dark sky filled with an abundant amount of golden stars. Every night I looked up at them and store at them until I faded off to sleep. They appeared the same every night I store at them, except today, it's strange. I don't know why today was any different. Maybe it was because I had someone next to me, or because of the location. I couldn't continue these thoughts though, I could feel sleep slowly start to creep on me so I shut my eyes and hoped to dream of something glorious.

My eyes flew open at the sound of a bullet being clicked in place and I was right. Drew stood over me and had a gun directed right at my face. I turned my head over to search for Tré and saw him pinned against a tree with blonde henchmen in front of him with gun aimed at Tré's chest. I turn my head to face Drew again and smile.

"Morning Drew, what the hell happened to your black friend?"

"You shot him remember?" He hissed, and I just chuckle.

"Oh right, my bad."

"You're laughing now, but just wait till you see what Connor had planned for you." I didn't say anything, I just shrug.

"Samantha...please tell me you have a plan." Tré fearfully says.

"Of course I do, hold on a sec." I say.

"Make a move and I put a bullet in your chest." Drew says. I laugh and immediately kick the gun straight out of Drew's hands and kicked him straight in the knee cap. He screams in pain and I use this time to do a kick up right in front of him and round house kicked him down to the ground. I ran and retrieved his gun from the ground and attempted at shooting the blonde but he was already long gone.

"Where'd he go?" I ask and Tré points towards the forest.

"Well let's get out of here." I say and he nods and we sprint straight into the forest as well. 

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