Chapter 10

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I woke up to finding Samantha lying on her stomach with her head facing William, who was facing Devonte. So no one was on watch? Lovely, so we all could have been dead or captured. Nice. So I am actually glad that we have William on our side. He was pretty cool and was the only person that could deal with my smart ass remarks and sarcasm. I get up from the pile of leaves that were spread all over me, quietly so I won't wake them. I grab my hat placing it on my head and the knife that I stole from one of the henchmen and started practicing my knife throwing. I hate how Samantha is usually the one saving my ass or Devonte; well actually expect that time when she almost drowned. She is actually not the best swimmer. Anyways this stupid knife won't go through the stupid tree which is really stupid. With a sword it is just one swipe and it will penetrate anything instantly. I have had only one sword in my life. When I was seventeen my step mom showed me how to work with a sword; it was probably the only thing she was actually willing to teach me. Laura was strict but she was the one paying for the roof that was over my head, so I guess I couldn't complain. I remember a saying she always said that I should never go by. We were out behind the building, near a canal and she was holding the sword in an offensive position.

"You know that pen and sword saying?" She asked. I nodded my head quickly yes and said, "The one that goes like 'the pen is mightier than the sword.'" Laura nodded and smiled. Something she didn't do so often.

"Well that's bullshit in this case; if you believe in that then you won't get the sword nowhere. You cannot think weak and you cannot try to find an easy way out of a fight."

Back then I did not understand a word she said and I just thought she was off her nut as usual but now I think I get it. My smartass isn't going to get me anywhere but dead. I have to grow a pair and fight like a man. The only reason why Samantha keeps saving my ass is because I don't pull myself together out there, I don't take risks. Yes they may be stronger than me but that doesn't mean that I can't take a chance.

"Dude it's all in the wrist, but trust me you will get it once you are in the situation to use it." William says, trudging in from behind me. I sigh and toss the knife aside, at this point there was just no point. I will just stab henchmen directly instead of throwing the knife. Devonte can do all the throwing. William and I both sit down on this log near a tree, in silence for a bit, listening to the sound of the birds as they chirped away in the trees and the crickets as well as they too were making quite a bit of noise. I am not particularly a fan of this nature crap but I do have my moments. Like butterflies and dragonflies I find pretty cool, but weird shit like centipedes and worms now that's fucking gross. Just the mere thought causes me to shiver and I begin to regret thinking about them so I turn to William and attempt at starting a conversation to get my mind off such gross animals.

"So... William." I begin, contemplating on what I should say. William directs his focus at me and raises his eyebrows.


"Uh why have you been working for the princess anyways if you hate her so much?" I ask. William's expression freezes after I ask, his hands clench against the log and he goes slightly pale. Maybe I shouldn't have asked. "Why the sudden interests?" He asks, probably trying to avoid the question that I'd asked. His focus was no longer directed at me, his eyes were focused on his fidgety fingers. I didn't mean to make him uncomfortable, but each person here knows each other's reason for wanting to take down the princess except Williams. What if he has other motives? No one can blame me for being a little paranoid or cautious. "Let's just say I have trust issues."

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