Chapter 17

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We decided to settle here near the open where we could spot any of the Commanders men, if he sent any out, since Connor isn't exactly dead. It turned out that he wasn't even behind us. We were fooled and now Connor has added both William and I to his death list. Meanwhile I finish hunting the rabbits for us to eat tonight while Tré retrieved the fire wood and William was working on Samantha, somehow. Maybe I should go check on how they are doing before I got started with Dinner.

"So how is she doc" I ask, waiting to hear those words.

"Well she is breathing fine and is alive."

"Yes!" I shouted and started dancing around like a monkey.

"Wait calm down there is more." I didn't care about the news I just wanted to know when she will be up so I can just like...kiss her. She has been out for a while and way too long. I miss staring deep into her beautiful chocolate colored eyes and listening to the sweet sound of her voice that brought music to my ears. I miss watching her slide her curly hair away from her eyes.

"So when will she be up?" I asked, excitedly.

" that's the problem. I don't know. I don't have an IV to put for her, to place blood back or any of my equipment to help her heal faster and recover."


I shift to the side pulling Samantha's body close to mine. "Samantha move closer, I won't bite" I mumble in my sleep, but then reality came and hit me on the head. Then I open my eyes. "Why is it so bright?" I moaned. Grabbing my hat and placing it on my head.

"Well good morning sleeping beauty!" I heard Tré yell from behind some trees.

"Good morning? How long was I asleep?

"Two and a half days." He yells back. I nearly choke on my saliva; I was out for that long. "What about water? And food?" I ask. Why was I out for so long anyways, was I that tired? "We took shifts getting all that jazz." William chimes in, handing me a thermos filled with water. "Drink up, you are probably dehydrated now." William seemed to be right, because as soon as the water touched my lips, I was begging for more. I felt so weak right now, although not as weak as Samantha probably is. I captured a glance at her and saw her once perfectly plump skin is now fading of its color. I caressed her soft cheek and that warmth I usually felt seemed to have disappeared. Her body temperature is decreasing by the minute and her strength was weakening and we had no doctor tools to revive her.

"I know what you are thinking." William says, crouching at the other side of Samantha and placing his hand to her head.

"Are we going to be able to handle it?" I didn't want to put anyone else's life in jeopardy. I had to go get the medical stuff, alone.

"Of course we will. We should get going now; the longer we leave her like that, the less chance she has at survival." William grabs two guns from the pile of pistols we had stolen from the henchmen we killed. He loaded each gun, clicking the bullets in place. I gulped down one more chug water, and then loaded my guns. William runs over to the bikes and lifts what appeared to look like a secret compartment and tosses me a rifle with a strap that I placed over my head, resting on my shoulder. He took out a water proof backpack and placed bullets and another gun.

"I am going to go fill this water bottle with water at the stream and then we will leave." I nodded him off and began to tie my shoes.

"What's going on?" Tré comes in carrying six fish, skewered on a stick.

"We are going to get some things to help heal Samantha oh and a map. Also we need more bullets." I explain calmly, placing my hoodie on and resting my hat nicely on my head facing it backwards.

"So wait, you're going back on the ship, are you out of your fucking mind? I saw in my vision how long it took you to just get Samantha out and both of you were nearly close to dying there and now you are going back? Then fine I am going."

"Sorry man, you have to watch Samantha."

"Why the hell can't you watch Samantha"

"Because both William and I know the ships inside and out, he used to work on one and I used to steal shit from them. Also when after Sam I am the best fighter here.

"I am going to pretend you didn't say you were the second best and continue this discussion later. Now hurry up dudes."

It was so hot out so I decided to not stick with the hoodie or my shirt. I grabbed some fresh fish to eat near the fire. Taking one more look at Samantha and then we left. William and I started off with a slow run then began to sprint towards the ships new location. According to my tracker, the ship was about a hundred meters north. We should be there in no time and out before dark.

"So I guess you're the brains in our pack right?" William asked, slowing his pace down to walk so we could talk. Now that was random.

"Uh what would make you say that?" I ask, tossing sweet black berries that I had plucked from some branches earlier into my mouth.

"Well first of all, you just shoved a ton of black berries in your mouth without checking them."

"I have been living on this island for three years, so I should know my berries."

"Okay true, but that dirt bike, you figured out how to ride it within ten seconds, whereas Tré didn't even try and I, it took me two months to get it." This time I nod in agreement, William does have a point there. But I got to be modest.

"It was nothing man, I am pretty sure even Tré could do it and plus your Doctor skills are amazing, so I guess you are the healer in the group." William turns his gaze away from me.

"Yeah, you can say that." Now the real question is what would that make of Tré and Sam? As if reading my mind William answers my question.

"So Samantha would be the muscle. Then our good man Tré well he is good with water and oh don't forget a "swordsman" if you may but I won't believe him till I actually see him with a sword."

"Oh and let's not forget that you, Tré and Samantha have these supposed super powers."

I still cannot believe that us as humans can have these so called 'abilities' or 'powers'. What's next we are from krypton too? There must be more to how we obtained these powers and something tells me the story is going to be super strange. 

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