RainbowLightUniverse's Thing

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Watch one of the funniest try not to laugh or smile vids and see what happens!

((I'm gonna do the Skype Laughter Chain. This is kinda one of them. It doesn't have it in the title but it's implied. None of the others were funny in the slightest. If you meant a specific one just tell me :p))

J: Due to Tylers current...form I'm gonna be doing this with Mow!

M: *scowls* I do not want to do this, Human.

J: Well too bad!

M: You're supposed to be the good human.

J: *shrugs* Well lets get started!

*video starts*

J: ...Awww...*tries to keep from smiling*

M: I don't understand this.

J: *holds back smile*

M: Wait why did they change it. Who is this man.

J: *tries to hold frown*

M: Human I don't understand. What is the challenge here. Oh look it changed again.

J: *stiffles laughter**bursts out laughing* I-I CAN'T DO IT.

M: ...I...Don't...*completely emotionless*Oh look more people. This is really annoying. Why are you laughing Human. Are you laughing at my pain.

J: H-how are you not-

M: *eye twitching* I am getting very annoyed.

J: Mow just calm-

M: *crawls onto keyboard* *switches tabs, closes video, turns on sticky keys, and starts up anti-virus* I stopped it.

J: *sigh*

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