Information/Prologue pt 1.

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This will be a Choice Series where you the only choices you get concerning your character. Your choices is to Choose its gender, and the various Routes you can go.

Lastation a Famous Industrial Nation that continues to grow without showing any signs of stoping led by CPU Black Heart (Noire) with her kid sister as the Candidate (Uni), they both work hard to make their Nation the best.

LeanBox a Luscious Paradise of new and old Machinery led by CPU Green Heart (Vert), with her taste in Manga and Gaming she practically The indestructible gamer.

Lowee a Winter Wonderland led by CPU White Heart (Blanc), with the Candidates (Rom and Ram) under her wing and a nation based on average developing technology.

Planeptune a Modern City that grows at a steady rate unlike all the other Nations Planeptune has a CPU Purple Heart (Neptune), her kid sis as the Candidate (Nepgear), Under a somewhat training influence of CPU Orange Heart (Uzume), is often visited by another Dimensional Ruler of Planeptune known as Iris Heart (Plutia), and they all take care of the child Goddess CPU Yellow Heart (Peashy)who doesn't look like a child when transformed. The city as said earlier with all these Goddesses grow at a steady rate due to the bubbly behavior each of the goddesses have.

They have yet to confirm to the world that they are at peace. Do to this most nations are left in the dark and conflict rises rather quickly ever so often. There was once a former peace treaty but with all the random battles out of nowhere they have yet to believe there is actually peace. One such conflict attacked a mini-village that supports one said Nation and became to violent for a set of families, this story lands on the (L/N) Family.
A child birthed from a Peaceful Neko Father and a Loving Human Mother was happy with a peaceful life in the village. The Neko Father who spoke of peace was the main target of the village the enemy sees him as a super power and a step to show that the Nation they represent was not messing around.
Peace never crossed their minds and with an attack they took over to only be persuaded by the Goddesses including their own to stop the meaningless attack.

Neptune's PoV
"Please stop fighting there is no need for conflict here were all allies." Nepgear states before dodging something thrown at her."Shut it you Freaking harpy you can't tell us what to do." An angry man says as he and the others retaliate at the site of the nations Goddesses. "Like hell are we gonna listen to scum Like you." Another screams, but before they could attack the Goddesses one of their warriors noticed something in the distance. "Hey look" he points in a direction gaining the attention of all the people. "Lady Black Heart!" They all began kneeling before their rightful Goddess and her Candidate. "Noire" I say in relief that someone civil is here. Noticing the Damage of the once said village and the concerned looks on our faces she became enraged.

Noire's PoV
"What is the Meaning of this!" I scream in pure anger. "My Lady we saw you fighting them earlier we couldn't just sit on the sidelines and do nothing." The leader of the Brigade spoke. I lift up a robotic head that looks similar to that of CPU Purple Hearts and threw it on the ground,"I was attacked by an android that cloned the personality of my friend." I stated with even more anger in my eyes, in which I was calmed by Uni tapping my shoulder. Surprised by the head they knew they had made a fatal mistake and had begged for forgiveness. Neptune and Nepgear were forgiving and didn't want the same mistake happening, but Noire and Uni weren't they only stayed to return to Lastation to receive their punishment later. Later all the other CPU's and their Candidates had come to check on us after hearing the news. We said we were fine and the problem was mostly resolved till Nepgear remembered and said "We need to check on the villagers!"

No One's PoV
Everyone went in different groups Blanc and her little sisters Went to the Western side of the village , Noire and Uni went Southern side of the village, Vert had practically dragged Nepgear Northern side of the village and Uzume Followed to make sure they wouldn't goof off like last time(😉), which left Neptune, Plutia, and Peashy to go to the Eastern side of the village with one goal to make sure all the villagers were safe.

Plutia's Pov
I notice a cave and see that it was emitting a sort of sound as I got closer it was clearly crying from a child I signal Neptune and Peashy to tell the others. while all the others got the villagers they found back to the Nearby Nation they all met up at the cave I was at and Immediately hear the crying to. "Well what are we waiting for let's goooo." I stated.

Hey Guys I am back to say that I will post more content Concerning your choices soon but for now this is what I will be posting hope you guys have had a great Holiday.

Author In the house.

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