Chapter 4: Home is where the Heart is

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*Current Data Acquired*
Area: ??? Forest

Player: Y/N
Lvl: HP: 48% Armor: 15%
Attack: Defense: 5
M.Attack: 1 M.Defense: 10
Effects: Strength, Regeneration, and Swiftness
*Data Saving*

(Y/N's PoV)
   With the current predicaments at hand you couldn't rest so you continue to walk aimlessly around the area of the world you were at. Soon you see smoke ahead and you make a run towards the area you see a campfire and a few very protective nomadic villagers. But before they attack you you feel a sense of nostalgia but it could be wrong so you show your species the towns folk seem to stop in their predatorily march towards you and stare.
One of the villagers comes up to speak "Who are you and how do you have a mark by our village name!" The man shouts angrily showing his and some others in the village's Neko species. "..." You try to say something but the man glaring at you is very intimidating, while you try to speak nothing forms. "Enough Daniel let the child speak." Another villager walks up and puts her hand on his shoulder signaling him to show remorse. "I-I am Y-y/n" you were stuttering quietly afraid of what they might do if you didn't answer. "Y/N hah that's impossible
(he/she) is with the-" before he could finishes he hears some words form from the frightened child. "D-do you know the way to (Nation of choice)" you say quietly he still heard you but he was amazed on how you don't know your way around the world.

*Entity Summary*
New village chief, close friend of Y/N's father, swore to protect the village with his life, kept most of Y/N's heritage under protection through the rules of the village. Even if Y/N is the last of (his/her) family tree.

Name: Daniel
Lvl: 45 HP: 400% Armor: 1000%
Attack: 300 Defense: 500
M.Attack: 75 M.Defense: 700
Effects: Night Vision.
*Full Diagnosis achieved*
(Daniels PoV)
"You do know your way around the area right?" I ask shocked that (he/she) would even ask. The child shook (his/her) head "not since my recent experience of being kidnapped." (Y/N) answered still anticipated an answer so (he/she) can be on their way."Why are you fixated towards heading to (your nation of choice)? "I ask bewildered. "It's where my care takers are it's my home." He/She had answered confidently. "If you really are (Y/N) than try to pass this test." I say, (he/she) look quite bewildered but (he/she) accepted my terms. "Oogod pu deniahc eht gnirb!" I say "Now attack the dogoo and I will see if you truly are who you say you are."

(Y/N's PoV)
He wants me to harm something but I don't know how to fight! I begin to shake at the thought of harming a defenseless being. Everyone quickly takes notice and quickly laugh one of them says "Nekcihc a si dlihc siht ah!" after that everyone begins to laugh. As a natural born peace keeper so I do something I never would do. I near the restraints of the dogoo and I released it. It began too howl at somewhat like a fit of rage "DOGOO! DOOGOOOO! DOGOO!" I begin my approach towards the Dogoo it takes notice but before it can launch attack it stopped. I pet the Dogoo, after a while the Dogoo turned its anger into serenity almost, it considered me a friend because I was kind and understanding, unlike me all the others aimed their weapons. I motion them to lower their weapons and so they did, I let the dogoo go to its home somewhere on the other side of the mountains. "You truly are (Y/N) the liege of the late village leader." Daniel says. "Liege?" I say in confusion. "Yes you are the (Son/Daughter) of our late leaders, you have returned home to us." Daniel says almost in tears as is everyone else. "Will you take the mantle and lead as your parents once have." A Person of the village says. "This is the village I was born from, the home I had no idea had existed, I can't do as my Mother and Father have done for you." I sigh out as everyone lowers their heads. "Yhw tahw?" An elderly Neko woman says. "She asks why you do not wish to take up the mantle your parents had left for you." Daniel says. "This maybe the home that cared for me when I was birthed, but my heart leads me elsewhere where the family that raised me are." I reply. "Ah I see- Erehwesle emoh rehto reh ot s'gnoleb traeh reh!" Daniel shouts to the entire village. They all seem bewildered but after a while they began to understand what he meant and had helped me on my way to the (Nation of choice). I said my farewells and had gone in the direction they had pointed me in.

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