Chapter 7: Strangers...

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*Data Acquired*
Party members

Name: Y/N
Class: Mage
Race: Neko
Gender: (Boy/Girl)
Lvl: 12 HP: 1432% Armor: 400%
Attack: 45 Defense: 300
M.Attack: 125 M.Defense: 400
Effects: Magic Regen 1

Name: F/N
Class: Berserker.
Race: Human
Gender: (Boy/Girl)
Lvl: 12 HP: 2430% Armor: 700%
Attack: 200 Defense: 500
M.Attack: 22 M.Defense: 300
Effects: Strength 1
*Data Saving*

Defense: 300Effects: Strength 1*Data Saving*----------------------------------------------------------

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(Y/N's PoV)
"I guess we're here?" I say with slight confidence.
"This is no doubt the place but why here?" F/N stated with suspicion. "As long as we finally beat our first mission I'm good F/N, you?." I say laughing. "Agreed Let's look for the person to give these odd minerals to, the faster we find this person the faster we leave." F/N stated with Uneasy feeling.

(???'s PoV)
The Boss told me someone had actually taken her quest. She told me to meet them in the alley. What I had expected were completely different then what I had saw. I saw 2 Brats were in the alley. "Hey!! What are you brats doing in there!?" I asked. "We're here cause we completed a quest that we had chosen." The one with the cat ears had stated. "You the Person we needed to give the minerals to?" The other had asked. I walk towards them "Yeah. sorry I'm late, Boss was only recently notified of someone taking her quest." I said.

(F/N's PoV)
This suspicious character doesn't look like any sort of Geologist as the Quest states. She had Green hair and was wearing a Jacket with rat ears on it. Even if she says she's a helper of a geologist I don't buy it not for one second. "May I see the Minerals" she asked. "Wait before we give you anything who are you?" I ask. "Just call me underling okay" she stated. "Alright" I stated. I look over to Y/N and Nod, they began trying to grab one of the shinier versions of the minerals. For a brief moment I felt a sharp pain in my neck after a while I became numb before the sunlight faded from my vision.

(Y/N's PoV)
I heard a thud near me during my search. As I drop my search for a shinier mineral I feel something covering my Face. "mph!" I was muffled by a sort of rag. It had a strange scent on it and I soon felt weak. I fell to the ground unable to do much. I could barely see yet I was able to see my friend F/N Unconscious. I try to reach for them but I was consumed by darkness before I could even reach them.

(Underling's PoV)
Me: You sure these Kids are worth the trouble?

???: Doubting me?

Me: No it's just they don't look like they'd be as much a game changer as you said they'd be.

???: It'll all make sense in the end. I will have my Revenge.

*Text end*

I grab the Backpack full of Minerals and the two brats and began heading to the Bosses Place.

"Re-Play" HyperDimension Neptunia FanficWhere stories live. Discover now