Chapter 1: A new Divide

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This is a few years Further from the Prior time the Prologue Began and it is where every choice matters.

(Y/N's PoV)
I go to a park thinking on how everyone has been weird lately, I mean they're always weird but now they are weirder than usual. I spot the Plutia  and make my way towards her.
"Hi Plutia? You okay" I ask "Yeah" Plutia answers. "Everyone seems a bit out of it today." I say with clear worry that she might act the same as she did then. "Reeeeaaaallly, maybe they're just cranky that they were very buussy that they can't hang out with you as much." Plutia answered. "Maybe but they don't have to be so mean about it." I ask with sadness brimming slightly from my voice. "What could they have done to you it couldn't be that bad, could it?" Plutia asks. "Well-
*Flash back time*
At Blanc's
  "Not now (y/n) I gotta take care of something" Blanc said. "We could hang out with you later but hey there he is!" Ram said as Everyone looks and begins running past me to the mysterious figure. "Get Back here you little rat son of a-" I hear those last words silently fade away as a heated chase around town begins with the entire Basilicom and their Goddess chase a thieving little rat.

At Vert's
You make your way to Vert only to see her in a crying fit cause the whole Basilicom practically punished her for not doing her duty's for her Nation. "So why is she crying a river and throwing a fit." I ask and the Basilicoms Priest Yvoire answered "We have rid her of some of her games to make her do some work since Chika is on a business trip." He stated but I retorted with these words "Wouldn't Chika be Pissed to see her dear sister in her current condition?" Yvoire turned Pale and said his goodbyes to me while slamming the door.

At Noire's
  "I AM GOING TO KILL THAT MAN FOR DOING THIS TO ME THERE WILL BE NO MERCY AT ALL" Noire screams loud enough to be heard throughout the whole Basilicom. "Hey Noire-", "Rgggghhhhaaaaaaaa" you were interrupted when Noire threw a whole table at the once even door frame you were near. "I guess I'll see you later." You say quickening your pace away.

With Neptune, Peashy, and Uzume
"Hi Neptune, Uzume, and Peashy what's going on?" I asked "Hi (y/n)" they all said in unison but went Immediately back to arguing, "Oi (y/n) I want your opinion on this if Peashy and I eat Un-marked Pudding then is it most notably considered stealing?" Uzume said "As I said I was about to Mark them before Pea here snatched em from me!" Neptune said with smoke actually fuming from her head. "Well Neptune you didn't get to mark it at the time therefore it's technically not yours." You say agreeing with Peashy and Uzume. Once you said this Neptune went on a huge rant, you leave without her noticing and decide to see how Plutia is doing.
*End of Flash Backs*

(Plutia's PoV)
  "Wooooooooow they must be reeeeeaaaallly busy today if they don't have some spare time for you." I say shocked. "I know it's weird how they always schedule visits then have their hands full." (y/n) yawned out tiredly. "Hmmm maybe I could-" "I appreciate that you care right now Plutie but I would rather not get both of us in trouble cause of what I told you, do you Remember what happened last time." (y/n) interrupts my suggestion to *Help*.
"Awwwwww but why everyone had so much fun that time." I say smirking ever so slightly. "Yeah it was a bit of fun, but then again they did scream at us afterward when you were tired." (y/n) states. "For a 9 year old your really naughty (boy/girl) (y/n)." I say lovingly. "Hey I am not as dumb as I was back then Plutie and Where did you think I learned that from!" (y/n)  screams angrily "I thought that I was normal only to find out from the others that I am not!" (y/n) says at the verge of tears with their Neko ears lowered. "Aww (y/n) don't cry I was only teasing you." I say as I pet (y/n) to help (him/her) feel better. "It's okay Plutie it's just odd is all." (y/n) says with a somewhat happy attitude.
I suddenly get a message from Nep Nep.

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