Chapter 2

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"Wake up Cade! You're going to be late for school again" my mom yells loudly in my ear. I jump up startled and see my her on the floor laughing so hard tears are falling down her face. "Dammit Cade, why can't you ever do what I expect" my dad growls while taking out $100 dollars and handing it to my mom who is still laughing. Still confused as to why they are in my room I go to get my clothes out of the closet. "Cade its Saturday, your birthday" Dad says drily. That's when it hits me I don't have school and its my birthday.

Now looking over at my mom who by the way is still laughing. I don't think it was that funny but whatever. I try to be upset but I can't so I smile and shake my head. "Here you go sweetie your first birthday present" Mom says handing me the $100 Dad just gave her. Now I really can't be mad at her. 

Putting the money on my dresser I walk to my bathroom to take a shower. Leaving them in my room. It would be no point in trying to go back to sleep now. After washing myself and brushing my teeth. I put on some sweatpants no use in getting ready for the lake since it's still early. Going down to the kitchen to get some breakfast hopefully mom cooked but from the lack of the smell of food cooking I'd say she didn't.

Both of my parents are in the kitchen when I get there drinking coffee. With a raised eyebrow I ask "what's with the creepy smiles on your faces"?

They just shake their heads and Dad picks up a big box and puts it on the table. I wonder how I didnt see the box considering how big it is. I start tearing up the wrapping paper opening up the box to find another box inside. This box in a box continues for a solid five minutes. By now I'm slightly over it. I don't  know how people find this funny.
Finally, I get to the last box and it is a small box, big enough to fit inside my hand. Opening the final box I see a set of keys.

"Well it's about damn time, I was getting tired of waiting," Dad says being dramatic. "Maybe if you hadn't decided to play box in a box with him it wouldn't have taken so long" Mom replied rolling her eyes. Sometimes I wonder if I'm the teenager in this family with the way they act.

"It's outside in front are you going to go and see what it is?" Mom says. With that, I run out the front door hearing them laugh at me. In the driveway with a big red bow is an all black 2017 Lexus Rx. I turn around and tackle my parents to the ground hugging and kissing yelling "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Alright, alright that's enough you're very welcome. It's not every day that our only son turns 17 and could potentially find his mate. Plus I was sick of you driving that death trap you called Veronica." Mom says smiling.

I look over to where Veronica is usually parked and see that it's gone. "What did you expect us to keep that eyesore in front of that house? That thing has been towed away" Dad adds. I shrug my shoulder not really thinking about what they would have done with her.

Don't get me wrong I loved Veronica but she was a 1990 Honda Civic. I had to manually roll down the windows. The cassette tape didn't work and even if it did where would I find a cassette tape? And the heat stopped working last winter. I know you're wondering if the car is so bad why did I have it. Well right as I got my license my report card came out and let's just say I was flirting with a 1.0 GPA. So my parents said why should they buy me a car when I can't keep my grade up. I ended up having to by the car and it was the beat I could afford at that time.

I get off of them and unlock my car and get in. The interior is all black and it is fully loaded. I can't wait until my friends see me with my new car now they can stop talking crap about Veronica. I decide to take this baby out for a drive and since I'm already hungry I plan to go to Mama's Cafe.  "Umm Cade, you might what to put on a shirt and some shoes," Dad says with a smirk on his face. i look down to see that he is right so i hurry to my room and grab a t shirt and flip flops. No need to waste socks. 

"Going to Mama's" I yell out as I leave. I move fast so that I won't be asked to bring anything back. I know rude but my mom is so picky with how she likes her food that it is easier if she goes and gets it herself. Plus I they like for me drive like a grandma with no music playing.

I connect my phone to the stereo system and put on a random mix. It takes less than 15 minutes to get to Mama's my mouth is already watering and my stomach is grumbling. "Don't worry my precious, we're almost there" I say quietly while rubbing my stomach.

I go and grab a seat at the counter waiting anxiously to tell the waitress my order. No need for menu I get the same thing every time I come. The waitress come and I tell her what I want stuffed french toast with hash browns and over medium eggs, and a side of pancake. Also a glass of apple juice. I wait patiently covertly rubbing my stomach so that no one sees what I'm doing.

Three short minutes later I'm digging into my food with gusto. It doesn't take long for me to finish and then get a strawberry shake for dessert. Who says just because it's breakfast I can't have dessert? Plus it is my birthday! With a full stomach I pay my bill leaving a good tip.

Walking out the door I smell the scent of cherries and vanilla. Not paying attention I bump into someone and I feel shocks running up and down my arms. I look up to see Diana. Smiling big I greet her "hello mate". She looks at me with wonder that  then transforms into horror. Grabbing me by my arm she pulls us away from the door and to the parking lot. "I can not believe that the goddess would give me a mate like you," she growls angrily at me. My wolf is whimpering at the words she saying to us. "I was supposed to get Gage, hell maybe even Nick but not a weak useless omega like you. I won't and will never want you" she continues her tirade.

"She's going to reject us, look at her she doesn't want us" I scream to my wolf I can feel our hearts breaking. "We aren't good enough for her" I add. "Stop that right now Cade, we are good enough. I never thought I'd say this about our mate but maybe it's the other way around. Maybe she's not good enough for us" he respond. Even though I can feel the pain he feels.

I'm pulled out of my inner conversation with the words "I, Diana Johnson reject you, Cade Robbins as my mate" I look at her and catch a glimpse of remor before she covers it up. She leaves me there and goes about her life.

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