Chapter 4

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6 months later

"Wake up Cade it's graduation day" mom yells. This is the one and only day I wake up excited! No more school. I can not lie it has been tough. Seeing Diana and how she's been throwing herself at everyone even those without power was hard. My wolf was still having a hard time coming to grips with the fact that she rejected us and I accepted. Which is why today I'll be going away to the Warrior Pack.


"Mom, Dad, can we go and talk to the alpha? There's something I need to talk to you guys about. It's really important," I say to them.

The look on me face let's them know I'm not joking and it is a serious situation. We head over to the pack house with my parents sneaking glances at me. The short drive to the pack house doesn't take long at all, but I'm nervous. I don't want to see the pity in their eyes when I tell them.

Walking into the house we're greeted by Luna Gabriella. "Hello Cage, Betty, and Wilson. I hear we have something very important to discuss," she says smiling.

We all head into The alpha's office and see Alpha Carter sitting behind his desk. "Come in take a seat, relax everyone. Whatever it is Cade needs to tell us can't be that bad," he says with a smile instantly making me calm down slightly.

"Before I start can you all please  promise to let me finish without interrupting me?" I ask mostly looking at my mother.

"Fine, fine, I promise not to interrupt". She replies rolling her eyes. I glance around to see everyone else nodding their heads in agreement.

"Alright, so on my birthday I found my mate sh"
"You never said anything to use who is she" Mom says. We're all looking at her since she was the one talking. "Oops sorry I'll be quiet"

"Like I was saying, I found my mate on my birthday, but she rejected me. I won't tell what her name is and it doesn't matter to be honest". They all gasp but I continue with my story. "She wasn't happy with being mated to an omega so she rejected me. Later on that night I saw her with someone else and I accepted the rejection". Taking a deep breath I tell the rest. "I've come to grips that the we won't be together, but for the last 3 months I've seen her with too many people and it hurts. My wolf is getting depressed and becoming withdrawn from me. I wanted to know if I could move away for awhile so my wolf can get better?"

Mom and Luna Gabriella have tears slowly falling from their eyes. Dad and Alpha Carter are looking at me with pity in their eyes. This is why I didn't want to tell anyone I can't stand to see them looking at me like that.

"Honey, why didn't you tell us sooner," mom asks. "I thought I could handle it. Plus I wanted to finish out the school year with my friends," I reply with a shrug.

"Its very rare that a mate gets rejected there are consequences and punishments none that you need to be concerned with since you didn't reject your mate.  I can understand your need to leave and make sure your wolf gets back to being healthy. Alpha Carter says seriously. The warrior pack is in need of some omegas to help keep their house in order. I'm not saying you'll be a slave and do all the work but they need the help and since you want to be gone it would be beneficial to you as well as that pack".

"They're so far away from here though. Can't you stay in the next pack over. That way I can still see you everyday," mom says slightly panicking about moving so far away.

"Babe, if he sees us everyday than he could possibly see his ex-mate everyday as well. He needs to be far away so he and his wolf won't be attached to her anymore," dad tells her hugging her close for comfort. I smile appreciative at him. 

"I'll call that pack now and let them know you'll be coming at the end of summer," Alpha says as he going to pick up the phone.

"If it isn't any trouble, I'd like to leave right after graduation. I don't want to be around her any more than I have to be. I don't think my wolf could take anymore," I say to Alpha and he nods agreeing with the change of plans.

"Baby no! That's only three months away. Not so soon please, mom says crying and pulling me into a body crushing hug.

"Mom I can't stay as much as I would like to it hurts. I see how you are with dad and all of the other mated couples and I can't have that. She took that away from me, I tell her trying to get her to understand.

"But you could have a second chance mate, you don't have to leave! Mom is practically begging me.

It hurts to see her like this I don't want to cause her pain like this. I'm her only child and I would usually do anything she asks of me. Maybe I can stay until the end of summer I start thinking. "No I don't think I can hold on that long. I hate what she's done to us," my wolf growls sadly to me.

" Linda look at Cade really look at him," Luna says. He's not doing this to hurt you but it won't be good for him to stay that long. He's hurting let him go away and get better he'll be back and he will still keep in contact with you. Think of it as he's going away to college. It's not forever Linda."

End of flashback

That conversation I had with my parents and the alphas had to be one of the most difficult talks of my life. In the end we agreed that it would be best for me to leave after graduation. I don't party and I couldn't stand to see her throwing herself at everyone.  Most of my things are packed and ready to go. I load my car since I won't be coming back here after graduation.  I'm happy this day is here but also relieved. I can finally put some distance between us and really start to heal.

I've told all of my friends about me leaving making up an excuse about this wonderful opportunity for me. Only David knowing the true reason. They were sad and happy for me, but understood how major this was.

Graduation went off without any mess ups well that was if you excluded Nick and Jeff striking,  we've gotten use to them doing crazy things so the principal kept right on with his speech. I smiled big as my name was called and my parents went crazy screaming my name. Along With the Alpha and Luna. Although they did scream when all the names were called. I'd like to think they made even more noise for me.

"We're finally out that hell hole," David yells happily with Samantha on his arm. Those two ended up finding out they were mates when David had his birthday a a month after mine. To say they were shocked would be putting it lightly. At first he didn't want to tell me because he didn't want to hurt my feelings. I let it be known that I would never want him to hide that from me. 

"I know four long years" I added laughing. "Are you sure you can't stay at least for this one last party" Sam ask doing her impression of puppy eyes that in reality makes her look constipated.

I roll my eyes. "We've been over this before Sam, they can't wait any longer," I reply changing the truth just a little when it was me who couldn't wait to leave here.

After countless pictures with whoever happens to be next to me and many hugs good bye its time for me to leave. "Don't worry guys I'll be back", I say doing a horrible impersonation of the terminator. This gets all them to laugh. "Be careful Cade I wouldn't feel right if you got hurt," Gage says while pulling me into a hug. "We'll see each other. You have to go to training for the alpha position and that's close to where I'll be," I tell him.

Walking up to my parents they pull me into a hug squeezing me hard. I feel tears drop onto my chest where mom is hugging up and dad is rubbing my back. "I'll call as soon as I get there and every night I promise. Thank you for letting me do this," I say with my voice quivering. Dad nods and mom pats my face letting me go to my car. As I walk about I hear Diana asking about me but I don't stay to hear the rest of the conversation. She lost all rights to know about anything in my life when she rejected me.

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