Chapter 3

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I don't remember getting in my car and driving out the parking lot. I  don't remember going home. I must have been on autopilot. I make sure my parents don't see me. I'm not ready to tell them about being rejected. I lock the door to my room lay on my bed and cry. My heart is in so much pain. My wolf is trying to console me but he is in pain as well. The day passes with me in bed replaying Diana's words over and over.

Around 6'o clock I start getting calls from my friends saying they can't wait to see me at the lake and how much fun we'll have. I probably shouldn't even go, but I don't want to explain to my parents and friends why I stayed in my room on my birthday.

Slowly I go take another shower. Looking at myself in the mirror I see my pain and heartache in my eyes. I'll put some drops in my eyes and hopefully that will clear up my red eyes. The once excited feeling I had for today is down the drain. Now I plan on just getting through the rest of this day with out anyone noticing what's wrong with me.

Not being in the mood to dress up I put on some black jeans with a white T-shirt and black Jordan shoes. Grabbing my keys I leave my room to go to the lake. "I'll be back later, headed to the lake," I call out to my parents who are watching TV in the living room. "Alright son, have a good time and done get too drunk," Dad replied laughing. It's a known fact that in the pact that teenagers go to the lake to go wild and have fun. Since it takes a lot more for us to get drunk parents turn a blind eye.

Pulling up to the lake I check myself out and try to smile but it falls flat. "You got this Cade just a couple of hours. Then everyone will be drunk off their ass and will not notice how different you are," I mutter quietly under my breath.

"Happy birthday Cade!" Samantha yells as she sees me walking to our group. People turn and look and start saying happy birthday. A few even try to hand me their drinks. When I get within arms length of the group I'm tackled behind into the ground. "Happy birthday Cade! Nick and Gage scream in my ear. I can already tell they've been drinking because their words are slurred. Chuckling I pat their arms in an attempt to get them to release me. "Thank you guys, how much have you had to drink?" Grunting the pick themselves off of me helping me stand. "Not that much Cade, plus its a celebration" Gage says smiling and rubbing my hair.
"Don't drink too much if you plan on driving back to the pack house," I tell them dusting myself off. "Sir, yes Sir," says Nick while he and Gage salute me walking away.

Shaking my head at their antics I finally get to my friends and plot down. "What did you get?" David ask. This puts a big smile on my face and I pull out my keys. "They got me a new car. So no more teasing me about Veronica," I reply. "I can't wait to see it. Give me a ride home yeah?" He says. I nod letting him now I'll do it.

Everyone pretty much knows I'm not one for drinking so I typically end up being the designated driver. Which I don't mind. As long as everyone is safe I'm happy. Sitting there watching everyone act crazy and have fun almost makes me forget about thiakrnibg until I smell her. I look over to see Diana looking amazing. Her clothes are revealing and tight half top and a short mini skirt. She glances at me before she heads straight to her friends. My mood has officially gone to hell. I want to leave but I promised Dave I'd give him a ride home.

Hours pass of more drinking, dancing, and a wild game of truth or dare and now the party is coming to an end and I can leave. I look for David and find him laid out on the ground with writing all over his face. I get him to get up and help him walk to my car. On the way I see Nick and Gage on the ground too and decide to give them a ride home too. "Come on guys I'm not strong enough to carry any of you help me out here," I say getting them to hold hands so I can lead them. "Oh shit Cade whose car is this where is Veronica?" Gage ask with a glazed look in his eyes. " It's mine, just got it today so please don't barf in it" I respond.

I get them all buckled up and go to pull out when Nick says "Look over there looks like Jeff will be Diana's victim tonight." I turn to see what he's talking about and see Diana and Jeff the beta's son all over each other. My heart breaks even more to know that she truly did not care about me. "Ugh I feel sorry for whomever her mate is. She's nothing but a power hungry girl," Nick adds. As if she can tell we are talking about her she looks over and locks eyes with me. "I, Cade Robbins accepts your rejection, Diana Johnson" I mutter so quietly I'm not even sure I say the words out loud. Shock and pain covers her face before she goes back to making out with Jeff.

Dropping off Gage and Nick at the pack house first since David lives close to my house. "Alright, spill I know something is going on with you. You've been sad all night and when you saw Diana you looked heart broken" David says with concern in his eyes. "It's nothing," I reply hoping he'll leave me alone. "Cade, we've been best friends every since we were born, we're practically brothers. You honestly think I can't tell something is wrong?" He responds.

We're sitting in front of his house with the car running. Taking a deep breath I tell him everything. When I'm done I have tears falling from my eyes. "I can't believe she would do that. Doesn't she know that you are the only happiness she'll ever have. I ought to have Samantha kick her ass," Dave says angrily. "It's fine, eventually I hope to move pass this. Before you go promise me you won't tell anyone, I mean anyone about me being rejected o don't want to deal with all of those pity looks," I tell him as he's getting out to go inside his house. "Of course this stays between you and I. Hey one more question before I let you go. Do you plan on telling your parents?" He asks. Seeing the confused look on my face he leaves without waiting for a response.

I never even thought about telling my parents, but I know they would want to know. With that I plan on telling them just no time soon. I'd had enough time to think about my rejection today. I get home and all the lights are out meaning my parents are asleep which is a good thing considering its almost 4 in and morning. Laying in bed the tears I assumed were gone fell out of my eyes. I just want this pain to go away. I wonder what would have happened if I wasn't an omeaga. "Stop that right now" my wolf growls at me. "We are perfect, she should have loved us instantly she has failed us not the other way around and don't you forget that". "I hope you're right" I tell him. "I am trust me things will work out" he says confidently. I want to believe him but I can feel the small amount of uncertainty he feels.

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