Chapter 7

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"I have to ask what made you want to leave your pack? You just graduated from high school, you should be out partying and be having fun," Chris asks me. Taking a deep breath I answer "I met my mate on my 17th birthday I was happy of course until she rejected me, so for the next six months my wolf and I had to watch her be with guy after guy. I excepted the rejection so I don't want her back but it was hard on my wolf and me to have to see her daily. I needed to get away and as it turned out you guys needed an omega. So it is a win-win situation," I tell him as well as everyone else at the table.

"Damn Cade, here I thought you'd say something like you were being disrespectful and your parents needed you to get under control," Chris says. "That's too bad how was your wolf handling it?" Todd asks from the other side of the table. "It was really hard on him, he was depressed a lot and barely spoke to me," I tell them.

"I have an idea," Heather says excitedly. "How about Cade works out with us? That way his wolf will get stronger and since eventually he may run into her. Your wolf needs to be stronger so that he won't get depressed again."

I look at her like she's crazy. No way in hell could I train with them. Even the women have a nice amount of muscles. Not big like the men but more on the lean side but you can see that they have them. I notice everyone is nodding their heads in agreement. "That's a great idea, we'll put him on a schedule and have him work on different things like speed, strength, and meditation," Michael adds. "So it's settled starting tomorrow Cade will train with us," Todd says.

Everyone goes back to their conversations they were having before. "I think this is perfect," my wolf says to me. "They are right I do need to be stronger in case we run into her". He's right I know I'm just nervous and a little afraid. I don't know what they have in store for me and if I'll embarrass in front of them.

"It will be okay Cade, we will start slow and won't do anything that will harm you," Chris whispers quietly to me so no one else hears. "I know but I can't help but feel nervous, I mean look at how big you all are," I whisper back. Chris throws his head back laughing loudly causing everyone to look at us. Waving his hands at them to go back to what they were doing. "We all didn't start off like this Cade," he replies. I arch a brow to show I don't believe him. "It's true we weren't all this big about half of them were not at big muscle wise. sure they had the height just not the muscle. And before you ask no you will not get that big. We will more so be working on your wolf than your human side," he finishes.

I guess that makes sense but what if I want to work on my human side. I'll be here for a while I guess I can bring it up later if I decide I want to work on my human side. I finish eating thinking about what they have in store for me tomorrow. I go into the kitchen to help do the dishes. "Mind if I help?" I ask. "Sure you wish I'll dry and John here will put everything away," a small woman says. I nod my head and roll up my sleeves to start washing. Turning to her I say "Sorry but I forgot what your name is". She giggles and responds back "I'm Jennifer, but you can call me Jenny or Jen". "It's a pleasure to meet you, Jen, how long have you been here?" I ask making conversation. "I just came last month when I met my mate," she tells me.

I stop washing and look at her. For whatever strange reason I never thought about warriors having mates. "He was out on patrol you'll meet him another time," she tells me. "How many mated pairs are here?" I question. "There are 20, a couple live in the pack house like myself and others have their own homes still on pack land," she answers. We keep talking and I learn that she is 21 and is very sarcastic which reminds me of my mom. John is 35 and he hasn't found his mate yet which is a little odd but he seems to be alright.

It doesn't take us very long to have the kitchen cleaned and spotless. "You should try to get some rest, training in the morning and we start early," John tells me leaving us alone in the kitchen. "He's right, and something tells me you aren't a morning person," Jen says with a smirk. Rolling my eyes I leave to my room. Taking a shower before I get in the bed hoping that will relax me. I wonder what they'll have me doing hopefully it's not too much.

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