Chapter 8

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"I swear I'm living with a bunch of over grown children. That better wash off". Once again I get awakened by people talking. "It will Heather, I promise," Chris says.

"Or at least we think it will," Todd mutters. I jump out of the bed running into the bathroom to see the damage that's done on my face. Last time I woke up to someone who had drawn on my face was when Dave and Gage drew 12 different sized penises on my face and filled them in. Along with a plethora of cuss words. Luckily it was on a Friday so no School the next day. It did take the entire weekend to get it all off of my face.

Looking at my face I don't see anything. I come back into my room to Heather, Chris, and Todd on the floor laughing so hard tears are rolling down their eyes. I scowl at them

"It's not that damn funny," I tell them.

"Yes, yes it is," Heather says through her laughter. Chris is behind her nodding his head agreeing.

"Alright was there a reason you guys woke me up, other than to laugh?" I ask. I'm not mad I would probably find it funny if it were someone else. Plus they don't know what Dave and those guys did to me. I smirk thinking about the revenge I got on them a few days later.

"We're good now, but you have to tell us the story behind that smirk and your reaction," Todd says.

"Come on Joe is waiting for you so we can get started," Heather tells me making me groan.

"I thought you guys said this afternoon we'd do this?" I question.

"It is this afternoon Cade, it's 12:15 in the afternoon," Heather says.

I throw on some basketball shorts and a wife beater and follow them outside. I mean I was asleep and I do like to be comfortable. We go back to the gym and again I see people sparing in wolf and human form. Jen comes up to me when she sees me.

I can tell she's nervous but excited and her excitement started to rub off on me. How many wolves can say they were personally trained by one of the best warrior wolves.

"Now that everyone is here, let's start with stretching," Joe says to the loudly causing those who were sparring to stop and pay attention to what he is saying. He leads us through a serious of stretches each getting harder as we go. After 20 minutes of stretching, Joe tells to stop. I feel like falling on the ground already.

"Damn Jen did you know it would be like this?" I ask her quietly so only she hears me. "Hell no! Joe said it would hard but I'm ready to pass out and we've just barely started," she whispers back.

"Break off into groups of 10, staying in human form doing hand to hand combat," Joe calls out.

Jen and I look around and I get more nervous by what I'm seeing. They are not holding back. They are putting their full power and strength behind their punches. Everyone in the groups is attacking each other. I take a glance at Jen and I see her eyes are almost sticking out of her face. It would be hilarious if I wasn't as scared as she was.

"Jen and Cade come over here to me. We'll be starting off slowly," Joe tells us and we both release a deep breath. We walk around the groups making sure to not to get hurt accidentally. "So I want you, Jen, to attack Cade, Joe says when we get to him. "I need to see what you can do. Cade, I want you to block. That way I can see what type of defense you have".

"Before we start, Joe you aren't going to go all crazy wolf on me when we start right?" I ask him.

I have no desire to get pummeled by him. Laughing he tells me he'll be fine. His wolf doesn't see me as a threat to his mate. I should be offended but I can't help but laugh with him. Jen and I are standing at opposite ended of each other and within a few seconds she coming running towards me and hits me in the jaw. I'm momentarily stunned and so is she before she recovers and tries to hit me again. This time I'm ready so I start blocking. A few hits connect but most I block. 

"Nice job Baby, you too Cade. You two aren't as hopeless as I first thought," Joe says Jen growls lowly at him for insulting her. "Kidding babe, I knew you'd have some skills," he says making me shake my head at him.

"Now Cade, you attack me. I know my wolf doesn't see you as a threat but to be safe let's not have you hitting Jen in front of me," he tells me which makes perfect sense to me. Instead of trying to catch him off guard like Jen did with me.

After about a minute or so of just looking at him. I decide to go at him slowly. I throw a right punch and that's blocked immediately. I go to throw a left but mid throw I go to knee him in the stomach and again that's blocked. Whatever I try to do gets blocked and finally, he tells me to stop. 

At this point, I'm breathing hard because I put my all into getting at least one hit on him. "You did well Cade, of course, I didn't expect you to hit me what I was looking for was to see if you would give your all or give up. I am proud to say that you have been on the attack for 45 minutes," Joe tells me. I'm shocked by this. It felt like we were only going at it for about 5 minutes. My body now starts feeling the effects from all of the work I've been doing today. 

"Time for cool down," Joe yells out. Everyone stops what they're doing to and starts doing what looks like yoga. "Jen," I whisper, "is that yoga?" I ask. "Yeah it is, Joe says all that stretching helps keep the muscles from tightening up after such an intense workout," she answers.

I've never been one for yoga so I'm not sure of the positions or poses so I do my best to copy what I see everyone else doing. Failing miserably and landing on the floor more often than not the training session is called to an end. I claspe onto the ground sweat running down my body.

"Get up Cade, we need to make lunch," Jen tells me. "Ugh, I'm too tired to do anything," I complain. "Don't worry it's usually just some sandwiches and chips nothing major," she replies. "Come on we're all hungry, plus I can't wait for you to explain why you had that reaction when we woke you up," Todd adds. I didn't even hear or see him come over to us. Groaning I get up, rub my aching muscles and head back to my room for yet another shower.

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