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So yes this is a rejection story. I've read hundreds of rejection stories yes you read that correctly hundreds. Some I loved, liked and others I quit after the 3rd chapter.  No I did not copy anyone's idea so if this happens to remind you of another story sorry but there's nothing I can do about that.

This will be about 2 different people from the same pack. Cade is a guy his story will be first. Sabrina will be the other person.

Criticism is appreciated but rude comments are NOT. Letting me know I misspelled a word, used the wrong phrase, tense and so on. Saying this is stupid, I hate this book ( I've seen comments way worse) will get you blocked. Don't like it don't read it. I am not forcing you to read this book. I am willing to bet that with the millions of books on this site you will find one that you like.

Something's will be different than other werewolf books but as you read you will see why. I hope you will be willing to give this a chance I think you'll like it.

 Rejected WarriorsWhere stories live. Discover now