Chapter 9

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Sitting on the couch resting my weary bones from a rough start to my day. My wolf rolled his eyes at my thoughts. Who could blame me? I've done a lot already and it's only 2 in the afternoon. Chris, Todd, Samantha, Jen, and Joe all come and surround me in the den.

"Time to tell the story Cade," Todd says eating another sandwich. I'm pretty sure that is his 3rd one. "Fine, I was at my best friend's house with our Alpha's son, the Beta's son. We had been goofing around all day. When we were little we use to all stay at each other's houses all the time. You know time passes and we stopped doing that. So like I said we had been goofing around all day and I was tired and fell asleep," I say to them.

"Uh oh," Chris interrupts.

"Exactly, I guess since we hadn't slept over together I forgot the rule about not falling asleep first. I wake up go to the bathroom and what do I see. A bunch of different sized penises drawn on my face. I mean like big ones, small ones, curved ones, all colored in ".

"OK Cade we get it a bunch of different dicks," Sam says rolling her eyes. "I don't see the big deal, all you had to do was wash it off," Jen adds.

"You would be right Jen if they hadn't used different colored permanent markers," I say. This causes everyone to look at me with wide eyes then the laughter beings. They are all laughing hard. Jen is clutching her stomach, Sam has tears rolling down her face. The guys are once again on the floor with laughter.

After a solid 15 minutes of them laughing they finally get themselves somewhat together. "Oh my god, Cade, that has to be the funniest thing I have ever heard," Jen tells me still giggling a little. If I were them I'd laugh too because it is funny.

"So what did you do?" Joe asks.

"It took the full weekend to finally get most of it off I still had lines from a one on my forehead so I wore a hat to school that Monday," I answer.

"Tell me you got revenge," Todd says.

"Oh I did, I guess they forgot that I would do something to back to them. That next morning Gage that's the alpha's son and Jeff that's the beta's son had to leave. I stayed at my best friend's house no way in hell was I going home to have my parents laugh at me. It was bad enough I had to hide from his parents. So that Sunday when my face was mostly cleared I took a hat and left," I say continuing my story.

"I knew I had to do something big, so I go to the store and get some hair dye. Before you interrupt, yes I know hair dye only last a few days in our hair. That's the beauty of it. While we can't keep dye in our hair it's easy for the dye to take. So I choose hot pink, lavender, and sky blue hair dye," I add to the story.

"The pack house is never locked to members just in case we want to sleep over or anything else. His dad was up saw me creeping around asked what I was doing so of course I tell him, he laughs leaving me to do it. So all I has to do was sneak into Gage's room and dump out his shampoo and conditioner and fill the bottles with the sky blue dye. Do the same to Jeff since he lived in the pack house as well, but give him the lavender dye," I say.

"Next I sneak into Dave my best friend's room and give him the hot pink dye," I finish with a smile.

"I'm sorry Cade but that seems weak compared to what they did to you all they had to do was cover their hair with a hat or something," Joe says.

"Oh, I forgot to add I also stole all of their hats and jackets with hoods. So their was no way they could have covered it. Also the alpha made sure no one in the pack would lend them anything to cover their heads. Like we mentioned they knew their hair would be back to normal in a few days they didn't want to cut it," I tell him with a smirk on my face.

"Cade, you are the man. What did they do when they saw you at school?" Todd ask.

"This was one of a few days I got to school early. I was secretly filming them as they walked into class since we all had first period together. It was everything I could have imagined. They kept their heads down and when they saw me they tried to jump on me. The teacher saw and stopped them. Everyone was laughing hard including the teacher. Needless to say they we all decided to call a truce. Since they knew I was going to get them back every time," I finish pulling out my phone and showing them the video.

They pass my phone around, they laugh harder and harder. "Wow, Cade I'm impressed. I didn't think you had it in you to be so devious," Todd says to me. I nod my head because what can I say that was only the last prank I pulled.

The next few weeks are filled with me training in the early mornings and afternoons. As well as making cooking for the pack. That first couple weeks were rough for me. All of those times being woken up super early. Now my body has gotten so used to waking up it is no longer a problem. I've met a few more warriors who were gone to another pack when I first got here and like all the other guys they look very intimidating but are cool.

I've noticed I have gained some weight and in a good way. I have a couple of muscles that are getting a little bigger. Chris told me with my body structure I won't be able to get as big as he and some of the other guys, but I will gain muscle and strength. I'm totally OK with that. I think I'd look weird with my head on a big muscled out body.

As the summer goes on and my training gets more and more intense I see that they had been right to have me train with them. My wolf has gotten a lot stronger mentally and physically. He rarely thinks of her anymore. We've gotten closer too now when we are sparring in wolf form he knows what moves I want to use without taking over.

Todd it seems has taken me under his wing and decided I needed to meet a nice girl or at least a slut that will help me get down and dirty. His exact words mind you he said this in front of everyone while we were eating dinner. Needless to say I choked everyone was used to him saying outrageous things so it didn't affect them. Once I got my breathing under control o told him I was fine and that I had no intention of getting with anyone right now. He shrugged his shoulders but I could see the glint in his eyes that he was not going to let this go.

Laying on my bed in the afternoon just after training. While I'm usually worn out I wasn't exactly tired so I was just laying there not thinking about anything special my phone rings. Without looking at the screen I answer, "Hello?"

"Cade, guess who is coming for alpha training and will be close by?" Gage asks his rhetorical question. Playing along I reply "I don't know I don't know any alpha's kids personally so it could be anyone".

"Ha, ha, ha, very funny. Seriously I'll be there tonight and I was thinking maybe we could go somewhere and hang out. It'd be like old times well without Nick and David, but Jeff will be with us,"  Gage says.

I can't lie it would be great to see them. I do have moments when I'm home sick and seeing them would help with that. "I'm down, how about we hang out here instead though. We can order pizza play video games and and all that other crap," I say instead of going out.

"Are you sure they'll be alright with us coming over? We don't want to cause any issues," Jeff says.

"It'll be fine trust me these guys are cool you'll like them," I tell them trying to ease their worries.

"Alright Cade, we should be over around 8 tonight after we drop our stuff off at the camp. That sounds so juvenile like we're going to camp. Maybe they're will be girls there and I'll get my first kiss," Gage says jokingly. I'm laughing hard I've missed his crazy self.

"I hope they put us in the same bunk Gage, I don't want to sleep with a bunch of strangers," Jeff adds in a little kid's voice.

"Enough you idiots I'll see you guys later," I tell them laughing and hanging up the phone. I bounce off my bed in search of Chris or anyone so I can tell them about the guys coming over tonight.

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