2. For You

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___ ____. Signed

- June 24, 2016 -

It has been days since the SM provided you almost everything, a visa for your stay in the country, Hangul lessons, allowance for food and other essentials, and a job as a staff who help artists.

Trish returned back to your homeland as soon as she knew you got accepted at SM Entertainment. She was finally relieved that you got the job. Of course, she did not leave right away, you two friends celebrated the good news first before the goodbyes were made. You promised to update and call her every time something unusual happens.

In the few days that you trained and worked, it had started to become stressful since the tasks started to pile up as time goes. Good thing, the company gave you a good trainer who was younger than you, her name was Kim Moon Ji. Your stay at the company became tolerable with her aide.

As part of your language lesson, you've been conversing with Koreans, especially with the artists since your job will revolve around that. The company wanted you to finish your training as soon as possible. It does seem that you're going to be assigned to EXO after you finished your training because the tasks given to you were mostly about them, if not, related to them. You'd still think that you're lucky anyway to be an inch closer to your idols.

But now that you've received today's task, all that luck and hard work may be all for naught. Today's task given to you was probably the most challenging one to you emotionally so far. You were told to call on a few members to go to Ms. Hyun Jae's office. Not just any members, but your bias was included in the list.

Eottoke (What do I do?).

You were troubled. You weren't sure if you'll be able to do this. Even if it's just a simple thing, you find it hard to do because of your overwhelming feelings towards your idols.

I have to do this. If I'm going to be an EXO staff, I should get used being around them, being near them, and talking to them. You tried to encourage yourself to do it. Because if you can't do this, you might get fired in this new job of yours.

You held the knob of the door of their practice room and hesitated. Ahh, why did I even apply for this if I'm this nervous to be near my idol.

You let go of the knob. You changed your mind. You can't do this. Your heart is pounding so hard. You haven't even gotten inside the room yet. If you can't even try to talk to him, call him, how can you be a staff to him.

Ugh! You sighed furrowing your eyebrows in annoyance of yourself.

You contemplated maybe you didn't deserve this job. Maybe it was just enough for you to be able to see your idol a lot up close and be near him in a few weeks of your stay in the place.

"[What are you doing?]", a man suddenly sprung behind you disrupting your thoughts.

You moved back and saw that it was once again Lay, the man who always catches you at times like this.

"[Mianhae (sorry) for blocking the way]", you spoke with your head down.

"[Gwenchana (it's okay).], Lay opened the door and entered the practice room.

Before the door was about to close in front of you, Lay held it open. "[Oh, weren't you going to go inside?]", he asked.

"[Ah, uhm... ye... but...]", you panicked but told the truth since you have mixed feelings and deep inside you wanted to continue your job. You wanted to continue seeing your idol up close and support him in the best way you can.

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