4. One More Step

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You waited by the door holding the bouquet of flowers they handed to you. You were jittery and you couldn't hear anything the staff says. You just stared at them as they held on the door knobs. You started to feel panic that your nerves became jittery. The two staffs stared at you, tilting their heads gesturing you something. What were they saying?

You looked up front to see the interior of a church. Your eyes widened as you caught the sight of familiar celebrities, not just any celebrities but the ones you idolize. Your senses came to you as the soothing music that seemed to be about love reached your ears. You turned towards Moonji who pointed her hands towards your front.

You couldn't respond. You just returned her a panicked and stuttering look. Moonji pouted and lightly pushed you from the back, making you step forward. You swallowed. You hesitated but continued to walk as Moonji assisted you in the few first steps of the entrance until she finally let you on your own.

You want to stop but stopping in the middle isn't good. As you marched your way slowly, you can hear the sound getting louder and your footsteps getting heavier. You just looked upfront but the sight was blurry. Anxiety was blinding you though when you see who's waiting in the isle, you'll become more nervous than you ever were that you'd probably be petrified.

It was only a matter of time until you couldn't hear the wedding music as well and all you can hear was the tug in your heart that's getting louder. It kept on thumping so hard that your chest might break out. You were so close to the isle. You finally made it out to see who was there. The one who seemed to be a priest and as your eyes moved to the one standing beside him, a tall red-headed person who had a smile plastered in his face offering his hand to you as you approached.

You stopped on your tracks on the spot facing the tall man. You stared at the hand. The hand of someone so high that you couldn't possibly reach. Can you really reach this hand?

What if you don't accept this hand that he was offering? What if you drop everything now and just run away? Wouldn't it be better? It's so unfair that you get to do this thing with the one you idolize compared to the other fans who were just the same as you. You didn't want this. You just want to support him, right? But this, this is a little bit too much for a fan though if another fan was chosen, some might have agreed to this too as soon, right? Right? That you didn't have to ask the second time even if they were scammed of some sort. Who would probably decline an offer like this?

You. You think too much but it's not all bad. What's wrong with being careful and thinking of all the possible things that could happen?

'No.', you told yourself. 'Maybe this was just a dream right now. I'll just pinch myself or something and I'll wake up soon because this is just too good to be true.'

- July 9, 2016 –

"Whoa, recently we just debuted as idols, now our Chanyeol-ah is getting married.", Suho raised up his finger to wipe out his invisible tears.

"Hyung... quit fooling around.", Sehun spoke passing a stern look to his leader.

"Ya, Chanyeol must be nervous.", Lay placed his hand on the back of the tall red head.

"I'm not, hyung.", Chanyeol shrugged. "I just want to get this over with."

"Ohh, he must be excited to meet his wife!", Baekhyun exclaimed getting all jumpy.

The red head twitched his eyebrows, "I'm not!"

"Well, I am!", Baekhyun beamed a playful smiled as he crossed his arms.

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