Lucy Jackson

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It was weekend now. Yay! The sun was shining bright and the snow had almost melted away. I found some comfortable clothes, some pants and a hoodie.
It was almost summer now and I could hear birds sing everywhere. I had gone to school here in Canada for a half year now, my friends were everyone in my class, but the ones I had gotten to know the most is Rose, June, Vanessa and Hope. And of course Justin! He is so funny to be with and he always makes me laugh. He actually makes singing videos on YouTube! It's amazing, but it means that me and all the others in class won't get to see him so often anymore. He goes to school, but he is sometimes busy with singing and advertising himself so he gets famous and all that in the future.
It's funny, he really believes in him getting famous, personally I don't think so. He is talented, but not THAT talented.
Justin is coming by later actually. We are going to eat pancakes and ice cream even if it's cold outside. He is going to make a YouTube video and I asked mum, and I am allowed to be in it with him! That's so fun!
He is coming in 15 so I have to hurry and get ready. I can't wait!
~15 minutes later~
I heard a knock on the door twice. It must be Justin!
My mum is at the grocery shop and afterwards she is going to visit some old friends she has here in Canada, so me and Justin will have the whole house to ourselves! I don't mind that at all!
I ran downstairs to the front door. I opened and saw Justin dressed in so cool clothes. He shone like a real star.
-Hey, Lucy!
-Hi, Justin! Welcome in! I let him in and locked the door.
-Nice house, looks like the one in Home alone, ahaha. Justin laughed and I did too. Yeah we had a big house, but not that big!
-Yeah, starving like a little baby, Justin said making circles on his stomach. I giggled and placed the ice cream on the countertop.
-Is this the batter? Justin asked while pointing at a bowl.
-Yeah, my mum made it. Can you fry the pancakes while I get the ice cream spoon and make us something to drink? I asked politely, looking in his eyes.
-Sure! Justin is so beautiful. His eyes. His smile. He's everything! He is perfect and he is my best friend!
We finished the pancakes and poured all the ice cream on top of them. Justin had sprinkles on top while I had chocolate sauce. It tasted so delicious and afterwards Justin got his filming camera. I was so excited about posting a video on YouTube! Omg!
-You excited I see? Justin chuckled taking my hand and sitting beside me.
-Yeah, reeeeeeally excited! I smiled the most huge smile I have ever smiled. I was so happy with Justin, but why did he take my hand? I reeeeally didn't mind, but why did he?
-Are we filming now? Like live? I said nervously.
-Yeah, Lucy, calm down now, Justin said taking both my hands in his.
-So YouTube friends out there, the reason my good friend, Lucy is with us today..(OMG! My good friend Lucy! I still get so happy when he talks about me, even though I have buried my thoughts of us together, I don't want to ruin our friendship.) ..Is because I have to ask you something Lucy... I looked confusingly at him. What did he mean? Had he planned this before he came here or is he just kidding? I didn't know the answers to all my questions, so I just smiled.
-Lucy, this is a song for you, hope you like it. It's called "With you" by Justin Bieber.
(this is not a real song, I made it-Andrea Luna, the author of this book)
Justin let go of my hand and I immediately felt much colder. He is so calm and kind. Maybe that's what makes me so comfortable around him. His voice maybe?
-Waking up in the morning,
thinking 'bout you
'bout you and only you
Thinking about what I'm gonna do
Cause all I want in my life is you-yooouu!
No one can make me feel like you do!

Cause you make me feel like I'm on top of the world,
You make me feel like I'm super man or hulk
You make me feel like I'm nothing without you
But when I'm with you and only you
But when I'm with you and only you
I feel stars and heavens around
I feel like I am bound
To you
And only you

My heart is beating faster
This is a disaster
A good one though, Justin blinked at me and continued. Did he really write this for me? I actually got emotional! Forget everything I said about Justin getting famous. He will be, because of his beautiful voice and I know that!
-Thinking 'bout you
Bout you and only you
Thinking about what I'm gonna do
Cause all I want in my life is you!
Nothing can make me feel like you do!

Cause you make me feel like I'm on top of the world,
You make me feel like I'm super man or hulk
You make me feel like I'm nothing without you
But when I'm with you and only you
But when I'm with you and only you
I feel stars and heavens around
I feel like I am bound
To you
And only youuuuuuuu! Justin finished off in a great finale! What a wonderful song, and it was for me? I couldn't believe it! We are only kids and he is already so talented and so handsome?
-Thanks! Justin said politely to the camera. -Now the real reason I sang this song is... Justin took a pause and I smiled. He is so polite and kind. How can a human be that funny AND polite?
-Lucy, will you be my girlfriend? I know we are just kids, but I like you and I think we're quite a good match, he said giggling. Omg! What is going on? He likes me too? Even though he asked if we were only friends at the start of the year? Omg! I like him even more now!
-With my looks and your looks we are the looklookiest pair on school if we become one. Justin grinned and asked me once and for all: -So Lucy, do you want me to be your boyfriend? He looked begging in my eyes.
-You are really brave who asks something like that on tv. You really thought I would say yes? Justin's eyes darkened and I saw how sad he looked. But I needed to say that to make him laugh!
-Of course I don't say yes! I say OH MY FREAKING GOD YES!
Justin laughed and turned to the camera, he pointed at it and said:-told you so!
I ran into his arms and hugged him. He suddenly pushed me away, which had me shocked. But then he did it. We had our first and very own kiss. He pushed me to him and kissed me gently. His fresh pink lips collided with my red ones and I could feel the luckiness spread from the top of my head to the tip of my toes.
-I'm so happy now, Justin!
-Me too! And remember that I'm waking up in the morning thinking bout you and only you!!! Justin sang playfully and he continued that all day long. No one made me feel the way he made me feel and no one made him feel like I made him feel. Us, we, were perfect.

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