Why me?

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~1 year later~
Now I'm in 6th grade at Stratford middle school. It's so great! My class is great and all my hilarious and kind friends are great! It's almost like I always have lived here.
My friends in Cali have texted me a few times. My class sent me a letter too. It was exactly like one of those letters you read in the newspapers. "How to write a FAKE letter to someone you actually HATE". I'm not kidding, yeah it wasn't so personal. I can't even remember why I was feeling good over there in Cali. My friends are so fake and they are so annoying too. Why didn't I realize that then? And have I realized it yet? I don't know what to think, so please read them yourself:
Dear Lucy
Hi! It's me, Paige!
I hope you are good over there in Canada! Many hugs, Lulu!

Hi, Lucy,
I guess it's better there than here
Anyways, I hope you have a great time and a great life!
From Jake

Hey, Lucy
I hope you have a great time in Canada. If you choose to stay there for the rest of your life, it's okay. It's your choice, not ours;)
Hugs and kisses, Alison

Hi! Whatever you doing right now I know you miss me!
So I'm writing this to not make you feel bad and because my teacher is telling me to.
I have to pretend I'm writing, so please don't tell my teacher what I wrote, you are a good one, Lucy, and so am I

My dear Lucy,
I have so many things to say to you. First I wanna thank you for being my friend, and helping me out, even when I had bad days. I know it didn't seem like it, but I really appreciated you.
I know it seems cowardly to just write a letter and tell how I feel, but I have no other option.
You live in Canada and I can't do nothing about that. The only thing I can do, is to say that I miss you. Really much, and that I have always liked you and still do.
I know we will never be something, but I just want you to know what options you have. Have a great life, Lucy!
Love, Michael

That last letter got me emotional. I had no idea that Michael felt that way. It's quite sad. Anyway I'm glad he didn't tell me. If we would have been together before my dad died... I guess we hadn't moved here, and I wouldn't have gotten the chance to meet Justin.

I love it here in Canada! It's cold and snowy at the winter and warm and sunny at summer, it's perfect!
Me and Justin are still together, he is so sweet and kind! My mum is together with some guy I haven't met yet, today I'm gonna meet him. I look forward to it actually, I know he's not exactly my dad, but I want my mum to be happy.

-Lucy! My mum shouted from downstairs like one of those salesmen at the street.
-Yes, sir! I shouted playfully. I ran downstairs in my new outfit and felt really good looking.
-Would you please open the door? Mark is here! My mum was busy making dinner. She made lasagna. My favorite food!
I opened the door and politely greeted him.
-Hello, my name is L...
-Yeah, I know, he said, not caring at all.
I hated when people ignored me like that! Like I was a little baby.
-Welcome inside, I said, still annoyed of the way he greeted me.
-Thanks, Lacy, he said to me, walking inside, still wearing his jacket and hat.
What the hell? He called me Lacy? Omg! What a jerk!
I ran upstairs and searched for my phone. I heard my mum's laughter from downstairs, please don't make a mistake with this guy, mum, please! I begged for myself. I dialed in Justin's number and called him.
~Phone conversation~
-Hey, Lucy! What up?
-Well, my mum has a guest kinda..
-Okay? Something wrong? Justin said worriedly.
-Well he is my mum's boyfriend I think. He...
-Don't you like him? Justin said and I immediately knew how I could explain to Justin why I didn't like him.
-He called me Lacy, I said. I knew that Justin knew, that I hated when people said they knew my name and then afterwards called me something else. It was just so disrespectful!
-Yeah, I know! He is such a jerk! I whispered. I didn't want my mother to hear.
-Lucy.. He isn't a jerk just because he doesn't know your name. They haven't dated for that long, have they?
I can't believe it. Justin didn't get how I felt. He didn't get me. He didn't agree with me!
-Hello? Lucy? You there?
-Yeah? Oh, I'm sorry, I couldn't answer you! Cause I'm so, so, soooo busy with getting annoyed over absolutely nothing!
-Lucy! Don't be like that!
-I can't say what I want to, mean what I want to or even BE like I want to! What kind of relationship is this? I'm done Justin! I'm done!
-What the hell are you talking about? We are still together?! What did I do? Or are you the " it's not you, it's me!" kinda guy?
-Oh my gosh! I hate you! You call me a guy? Am I that ugly?
-Lucy, that's not what I mea..
-Whatever! ITS OVER! I shouted in tears, hanging up.
I didn't understand what I had done. Why I did it. I guess I just didn't want to realize that he had changed. We weren't perfect like we were at the start of this terrible romance. I always thought that kids couldn't be together. Cause it's not real you know. I believed that until I met Justin, but now I have no idea what this is! I'm just like he said. Ugly. I'm just like my mother. Without a boyfriend. Yeah, Mark. Mark, he did it. He broke up with her. Mark broke up with my mother. The second I hung up my phone convo, he screamed at my mother from downstairs and afterwards... Afterwards I heard a loud shriek and a car spinning outside. What is it with girls in this family? Why do we always end up being alone, by ourselves? Why my own mother? Why her? Why me?

Remember me, Justin?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora