Chapter 3

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*zayn pov *
I was nervous as hell because I just said that out of nowhere. I looked over at Louis  and he looked nervous as I was but maybe worse. I looked over at my mum and she was smiling and she looked so freaking happy that she had tears and ran up to me. I cried on her shoulder saying thank you thank you thank you over until we separated and kissed her cheek I hugged her one more time and looked at Louis  him doing the same to his mum.

"How long have you been pregnant?" My dad asked
2 months I answered back.
He looked me in the eyes and just smiled and gave me a hug and said congratulations son.

I walked back to Louis  and gave him and kiss to the cheek and looked at all the ladies talking about what they are going to buy the child even though there's a long ass way left. I laughed and just smiled at them.

The men were talking about how they are going to teach him football (soccer) even though I'm gonna show him/her how to play haha.

I went to the kitchen with Louis and told him today is one of the best days of my life.

*louis pov*

We walked back to the living room and saw that Lots fizzy phoebe and daisy walking through the door when they spot me they ran up to me.
LOUU we haven't seen you in a longgggg time, expanding the long for mostly exaggeration.

I know phoebe I've just been so busy. She looked sad but then she smiled and attacked my face with her little kisses same with daisy.
We walked to the kitchen and we started talking about anything really.

Once I put the twins down I gave a kiss to Lots which she gave as return but for fizzy she just wiped off my saliva. She gave me a glare but then returned it with a smile and a kiss to the cheek but I did the same thing she did to me and we all laughed.

"Do you guys know why your all here?"  No, but your going to tell us right? Of course I am daisy but it's a secret you can't tell anybody not even twinkles (the twins are 6 and that's there made up friend). Ok we won't say anything to twinkles as they pretended to Lock there lips and throw the keys i started thinking how different my life would be without these little munchkins.

"You're all gonna be aunts" zayn that I forgot was in there said to them. I was attacked again but not with kisses this time but with 4 tiny and medium size arms of all my sisters.

"Wait is lou the one with the child?"
"No fizzy it's me"
I was also attacked by hugs and kisses.

*zayn pov*

As Louis was talking to his sisters in the kitchen I went to go see my sisters that were in the living room with the rest of the family. When I finish talking to them I saw Louis was about to tell them why they were all here. I got up behind him put a hand on his shoulder and said "you're all gonna be aunts".

They all looked surprised but happy at the same time because next thing you saw was Louis behind attacked with hugs.

"Wait is Lou the one with the child?"
"No fizzy it's me"

I was also attacked by hugs and kisses just like Louis was.

Louis turned his head and had the most brightest smile I have ever seen on him. I just realized how much his sisters mean to him and that he would never change them for anything even though he complains about how they are annoying sometimes by laughs it off at the end. I can tell they are going to be awesome aunts already same with my sisters.

When I stopped thinking about Lou's sisters I started to think about the baby. Is it a girl boy? Are we going to keep a secret as for the gender when we can reveal it? Is the baby gonna have blue eyes brown black hair or brown? I want to know so bad I can't wait till I can hold that little peanut in my arms. Yes I called the baby peanut I'm gonna tell lou that's the child's nickname no matter what.


This is a sucky chapter im sorry but I promise I'll try and update soon since I'm in school break I can update more. Share this story, read, comment, vote, anything please.

And also I'm working on a new story it's called ¿?whats pain?¿
(Larry stylinson) please read it!

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