Chapter 4 [Before you fell]

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This chapter is like before you fell.
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This is short.. so sorry
  Dreams POV
I was walking around the area feeling a little bit... un easy. I wanted to walk it off but it was still on my mind that I have a bad feeling. I sighed as I walked back to the tree seeing a figure crouching on a large tree branch I began to panic as I thought they were going to pick an apple. I teleported next to the tree as I was about to summon a bone but then I saw a thick rope around her neck and she looked like they were about to jump. "Don't do this!" I yelled. The female looked where I yelled as they stared at me with dull eyes. I sweat dropped but they looked like they ignored me as they lifted there leg ready to jump once more. "Wait!!" I yelled. She tried to put her foot back but she fell as she began to chock on the large rope that was tied onto her neck I ran to the body as I cut the rope with my bone as they landed they were about to land on the ground but then I used my magic before she could've hit the ground. I sighed as I brought her body to me while I untie the remaining of the rope on her neck. I didn't want to used my magic and humans think Im carrying a dead body but Im not. She still had a pulse as I teleported to the house our mom made for us as I layed her down on a bed which was mine.

  I looked at her face and began to worry as I called Alphys to give her treatment. And so I did. "Alphys.." I said. "U-U-Um.. H-Hey." She responded. "Can you come over for a minute? Bring your health kit." Before Alphys could respond. He hung up on her. Dream never acted like this but there was a secret that he knew the girl. "(Y/N).. How could you do this?" He mumbled. A tear shed from his eye socket as he heard a knock. He wiped the tear as he walked down stairs and opened the door to see Alphys. "U-Um.. W-Whats T-T-The Problem?" She asked. Dream explained that there was a human named (Y/N) who was created by their mother but was not siblings. Alphys was confused that they were not siblings. "Since my mother created us.. she also made a human that was requested by some guy who tried to stab my mother for an apple.

 she also made a human that was requested by some guy who tried to stab my mother for an apple

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(Do you remember this comic?)

B-But then he also wanted a child as she created a human that will be helpful and send the guy away." Dream explained but couldn't go any further. "(Y/N) is my-" "N-No, Its okay. You don't have to tell me everything. I-I-I can help her with the treatment." She said. Dream gasped lightly. "W-What..?" "You said something clear!" Dream said excitedly. Alphys sighed. "You always have to ruin the moment."

Happy New year!!!

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