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CAN'T SEE! - Put a little charcoal on the eye pieces of the binoculars, ski goggles or sunglasses. You can also put it on door handles, cooler handles or on kitchen utensils.

BACK PACKING - Put some heavy rocks in the bottom of someone's backpack - it will take them a few days to figure out!

SPARKLERS - Hide some sparklers half under the wood around the edges of the camp fire. Small fire crackers will work well! Fire extinguisher definitely, just incase!

ZIPPER - Use a paperclip or some other device to jam the zipper on their tent closed. Eventually they will have to ask to be released, everyone keep quiet as if there is no one around!

BIRD WAKE UP - If you have been kept up all night by noisy neighbours - Try this. Either spread some bread crumbs or bird seed all over their campsite. Works especially well if they are sleeping under the stars. If you are really upset you may want to use honey as well. (Good Pranks says: Caution! Honey is not recommended in bear country!)

SCARY - All you need is a rubber snake or rubber spider and some fishing line. Tie the fishing line around the snake and roll out the line. Set this up on the camp site and at some point start reeling in your little friend.

SCARY DAY 2 - Tie the snake or spider up in a tree so that when you release the line the snake will fall from the tree onto the picnic table or wherever else you want it to land.

ITCHY - Start scratching your head and pretend to find little tiny spiders in your hair - you'll have every one itchy in a short while. We've seen this one work on many occasions, not only camping!

NOISES - Take a mini-tape recorder and record some animal sounds." Turn volume setting to low and increase gradually and press play while friends go to sleep. Leave a few minutes of blank tape so that they almost fall asleep before the action start.

FAKE POOP - Spread some chocolate milk duds on the ground in a place where you might walk or hike later in the day. Once you see them announce that you think they are moose droppings but there is only one way to be sure - then eat one. Chew it up and spit it out and confirm that yes it is Moose Poo.

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