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FERTILIZE - Spray liquid fertilizer on the lawn. Use the spray to spell some words... like "GOLD BURIED HERE".

CARROTS - Sow some carrot seeds on the lawn. Spelling: "I feel CARROTS". In a few weeks they will start to grow and carrot leaf is a different shade of green than grass. The college may think they are weeds and use some weed killer on them which won't work on carrot leaf.

WEB SITE - Purchase someone's .com domain name. Example: then post funny stuff about him on the website and send him the link.

BAD MILK - Put some mini marshmallows into someone’s milk when they aren’t looking. Best for non see through containers.

SORE NECK - Take a plastic bottle or a plastic cup and stick under your arm. Complain to your teacher that your chiropractor really messed your neck up. Reach your hand over your head and twist your neck at the same time you squish the plastic bottle or cup. Amazing Results!

TEST - Right before class, as you are walking into the classroom, ask one of your classmates if they are “ready for the test today?” This will work best if you have another friend who confirms that there is indeed a test that day.

BEACH - While at the beach: wait for your victim to leave for a few minutes. Pick up their towel, dig a hole and cover it with the towel. When they get back they will “fall” for your trick.

MUCHROOM - Buy some fresh mushrooms and paint them bright red. “Plant” them in the grass. Shocking to find “poisonous” mushrooms at College!

CLEAN - A little piece of duct tape taped to the bottom of a faucet will let the water spray everywhere!

EGGS - Make some hard-boiled eggs and enjoy. Ask your prospect if they would like a hard-boiled egg. If they say “yes,” hand them a regular egg.

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