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Flooding Dorm Room
Okay, this is a funny prank. You take a garbage can and fill it about 3/4 way with water. You lean this up against a random dorm room. Knock on the door, run, and hide so you can see it from a distance. When the unsuspecting person opens the door the water will fall into their house flooding it. This is a really funny prank. But don't get caught. Use Kool-Aid if you have the guts.

Use your cell phone to film yourself sucking the chocolate from chocolate peanuts and spit every peanut in a bowl (if you don't want your friend to really eat these nasty ass peanuts, just give him regular peanuts). Now give the bowl of peanuts to your friends, when they've eaten half the bowl, show them the video! They are gonna be so Pissed!

Dilute sour candies (warheads, etc) in a small amount of water. Then soak your roommates toothbrush in it overnight. When he wakes up and brushes his teeth he will have one hell of a surprise. You can also use cayenne pepper or extremely hot chili peppers.

Stop Eating My Food
Maybe your roommate can't resist eating your food. Now it's time for payback! Obtain a small hypodermic needle and syringe Fill it with Habanero pepper extract or hot sauce. Inject extract or sauce into your roommate's fruit, vegetables, cakes, ice cream, and anything else you can find that's edible.

Shampoo and Conditioner
Put hair removal cream in your roommates shampoo or conditioner. For better results mix in shampoo with the hair removal cream so the bad smell doesn't ruin the prank. 

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