The Man

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The Kill

Let me set the scene for you: it was a cold night and I was forcing my way through a bustling marketplace. There were thousands of people in that marketplace with me when all of a sudden all I could hear was this ringing in my ears. I had been stabbed. Quickly glancing around for my assailant and not noticing anyone, I had to resort to my core skills and closed my eyes to see the crowd as complete blue silhouettes, After forming a quick tourniquet I trudged on to slay my target. Not my cleanest kill but I got the job done, After bustling back through the crowd I shoulder barged through the door of my safehouse and came face to face with a beretta.

'Ah the infamous assassin Charles Bishop has come to die' and after those words he pulled the trigger shooting me here. Bishop points to a scar line going down the side of his head.

However that didn't stop me, An assassin underling patched me up and helped me back to HQ, Once we arrived at the gates though something was horribly wrong. making me and the underling check our blades and arm ourselves with the rifles stashed inside a fake tree just outside the perimeter and Oh boy neither of us were prepared for what was on the other side.

We both entered with rifles up in aim, 'Hey Charles why does this place look like hell?'

Those were the underlings last words before he got shot in between the eyes.

Snapping out of my disgusted trance at seeing my allies face blown apart I ducked into cover behind one of our armored cars. However I heard an ominous ticking and realised that this car wasn't aligned with any assassin protocols so I dived away and climbed up one of the watchtowers, After pulling one of their snipers over the edge I pulled myself up and took in my surroundings.

But just as I saw my HQ burst into flames the car at the bottom of the watchtower blew up and took down the tower I was stood on.

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