Chapter 3 - Cardiff

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Cardiff is a beautiful little city with a small population of 341,000, well as of recent 341,001 as this is my new home. Lily subbed me a warehouse to lead the creed out of... I didn't have the nerve to tell her the creed had fell. I had my first target too. Looking back I admit it was a stupid idea however it got the job done. I sent the message to the templars that wales was not for the taking and went straight for their main stronghold. Ironically things hadn't changed over the past few hundred years they still hide in castles, which made them an easy for someone with animus training such as myself. Infiltrating the outer wall was the easiest part as it was old and crumbling, At that point I had a choice take out a sniper and make my life easier or leave no trace of my mission. This is where I made the bad choice and decided to sneak in which was easier said than done, It took me 3 hours to reach the main office without killing anyone. So when I got there I had a choice to make kill the grand master or leave him a nice message, I found a picture of his wife and kids and wrote, 'Coming for you, Yours sincerely... The Man'. After that I met up with Lily to discuss my decisions. She clearly did not approve however she did have a list of targets for me to hit. We argued for hours before I finally caved and checked her list and realised who was on it. "Lilly are you sure you want me to kill Private Gibbs? The mans a war hero for fucks sake!!" She just left the room. Me being me I assumed she meant kill and gathered information on my target following him for days learning his routes, when one day he wasnt on his normal routine so I sat on a bench and waited for him, assuming he was running late. He wasn't. Within seconds of me sitting down I had a blade to my neck, Gibbs had found me. "How did you find me you coalition asshole?" I remember those words as clear as day. "I am not coalition. I am of the creed. We have worked together before" Then I heard a second set of footsteps behind me and the cocking of a pistol.

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