Chapter 6 - The betrayal

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A year had passed

Charles had suspicions for months that they had a mole within the group, They had been recruiting quite heavily, which was strange for the creed when it was still strong let alone once it had fell, But Charles being Charles he kept it to himself and carried on with his hits and teachings, Monday was combat training, Blades in the morning and firearms in the afternoon, Tuesday was languages, Welsh in the mornings and Latin in the afternoons. Wednesday's was tactics all day

Thursday was more weapons training with Friday being arts and history. Charles taught his pupils in the way he was taught years ago. He just wished he had an animus so they could learn parkour. It was a Friday and he was teaching history. "And that is how the assassins removed the templar menace from italy at the turn of the 15th century. Ezio then went on to explore constantinople aiding the leaders there and bringing their people out of tyranny, It was he who introduced the west to the hookblade. Yes I have seen the meme you guys came up with, Real clever" That's when the bomb went off, throwing Charles out of the window onto a returning Gibbs' car. Gibbs leapt out of the driver's seat pistol at the ready analyzing the area for hostiles before pulling Charles into cover behind the car "The students?" Gibbs asked systematically "the device was at the back of the room..... They're gone" Charles replied with deep sadness in his voice. Charles checked his blades still worked before getting back on his feet and opening the trunk of Gibbs's car and retrieving an M4 Carbine and handing it to Gibbs before running back into the building he was just blown out of and sprinting up the stairs taking them 2 at a time, What he saw up top pained him down to his core.

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