Chapter 8 - Death himself

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Chapter 8 - Death himself

It was a warm yet damp evening when Charles left his study, ignoring questions as he purposefully walked down to Gibbs’ office. An hour passed tactics were discussed and a plan was formed. Charles was going to kill Lily with or without Gibbs’ and the creeds help.
Gibbs persuaded Charles to proceed with help so they made a plan to attack the templar HQ with their best trainees. They were to go in at night, slowly taking out the snipers whilst Charles faced off the gate guards alone, The recruits would continue taking out the rooftop guards before making their way to secure the rooftop armoury and getting the weapons out in trucks throwing the Templars off the scent of Charles’ real mission. “Still killing two birds with one stone I see” muttured Charles.
“Just the way you taught me” Gibbs replied cautiously, Charles didn't look up from the recon info.

A few hours pass

Charles is at the shooting range loading 2 spare mags to go with his pistol, Gibbs was watching worried that Charles was going in under armed, so he approached Charles and jokingly called over “attacking the most fortified building in the UK and you bring 24 bullets?” Charles looked down the range making sure his sights were aligned “I'll only need one if things go to plan” Gibbs looked perplexed “rule number 4 expect the plan to go off the rails” Charles tutted and walked out leaving Gibbs with “that's why I brought the other 23”

Another hour passes and all the attackers are sat in the back of a coalition truck passing through checkpoints without a second glance.

Gibbs is still shook from Charles’s words back at the range, they hadn't spoke since as Charles was sat up front in the cab ready to drop out as they passed his drop.
“Still killing two birds with one stone I see” Charles muttured. “Just the way you taught me” Gibbs replied cautiously, Charles didn’t look up from the recon info.

A few hours pass

Charles is at the shooting range loading 2 spare mags to go with his pistol, Gibbs was watching worried that Charles was going in under armed, so he approached Charles jokingly calling over “attacking the most fortified building in the UK and you’re taking 24 bullets?” Charles aimed down range aligning his sights “I’ll only need one if things go to plan” Gibbs looked shocked “rule number 3 expect the plan to go off the rails?” Charles tutted and left Gibbs with “that’s why I brought the other 23”

Another hour passes and the group of attacking assassins are sat in the back of a coalition truck passing through checkpoints without a second glance.

Gibbs is still shook from Charles’s words back at the range, they hadn’t spoke since as Charles was sat up front in the cab ready to drop out when they passed his checkpoint.
Charles looked at his driver “drop your speed to 15 miles per hour and keep it at that speed around the castle understand?” The old man replied with a simple yet stern “Yes boss, go get the bastards.” At that the driver dropped his speed and Charles dropped out of the cab into a roll then strolled briskly towards the front gate head down humming to himself.

The larger of the two gate guards called out “This is private property state your business” before iming his rifle at Charles who replied with a smug “To see your boss” But as the second guard came to pat him down charles sliced his throat with his hidden blade and threw a knife into the other guards eye before pulling it back using the chain attached to his second blade. Charles knocked on the door, in less than a second a guard on the other side opened a hatch closed it then opened the huge ancient door “And who the fuck are you supposed to be?” Charles stared deep into his eyes and replied with a deep slow and meaningful “death” before slamming his palm into the underside of the man's jaw snapping his neck killing him instantly, Holding the body up as a shield as his partner emptied 12 rounds into the back of his ex partner, Charles threw the corpse at the man making him collapse under the weight charles then kicked him square in the face breaking the man's nose before crushing his throat under his boot.

Charles glanced up at the tower overlooking the courtyard and saw his recruits take out the snipers with ease, He nodded to himself and kicked open the front door of the main building throwing a knife out of each hand into the throats of the nearby guards, he proceeded left down the corridor walking straight into an armoured unit who had light attack armour on.
Charles looked them up and down before tutting “upgrades”.

The one furthest left fired at his feet “I dare you to move assassino” he spat, Charles retorted with “Italian? Oh Ezio would be so disappointed” before sliding under the closest ones rifle punching him in the groin and using his momentum to sprint to the other end of the corridor and take cover before drawing his 1911 which now had this weird battery pack looking thing on the side Charles flicked a switch on it before tapping some commands into the screen on his hidden blade and throwing the pistol around the corner which kept firing until all 8 rounds had been spent killing 2 of the guards instantly. Charles risked a peek around the corner and nearly got his head blown off with a shotgun blast. Charles, realising he was outgunned pulled the pin from a grenade on his belt and rolled it around the corner.  Couple of seconds passed and the ear wrenching explosion ripped through the building nearly deafening Charles, it also caused the alarm to sound. Charles retrieved his pistol, tapped away on the screen and flicked the switch off on the pistol before reloading and holstering it “16”

Charles’s radio sounded off in his ear “Charles what’s going on in there you crazy bastard?”
“Nice of you to join me Cat, your tech works by the way.” He replied smugly
“Don’t you start you know my shit’s good” she giggled down the radio before stopping suddenly, Charles started to reply softly “did you know?”
“What that my ex is a crazy bitch that wants to take away free will? Of course not Charles…. Just make her end swift for me will you?”
Charles pondered his reply “Of course Cat….”

With Cats words spinning in his head Charles followed his instincts and took a left which brought him into a courtyard surrounded by bleachers filled with high ranking templars and the Templar grand master stood on a pedestal in front of him

“Ah so here's our next contender! The infamous master assassin Charles Bishop. Led here by the betrayal of my daughter Lily Exquemelin, Brought to life through an animus powered cloning programme, Yes Charles you have fallen for a woman who's been dead for hundreds of years” The grand master laughed evily “Too bad she's into girls right? Onto the first round, you shouldn't find this challenging Charles, only 10 soldiers armed with various sharp items”

The grand master pushed a button and the doors behind Charles closed only the ones in front remained open, however as Charles thought about running he noticed a group of men and women no more than 20 brandishing swords, battle-axes and even vicious looking spiked maces

“Did I forget to mention these are all clones of historical people too?”

Charles didn't have time to react as he ducked under a mace aimed for his skull and retaliating with a double tap straight to the stomach doubling his opponent over, Charles sounds around on his knees using his blades bracer to block a battleaxe attack before sweeping both assailants off their feet with a low spin kick.

Charles then jumped up onto his feet before engaging his blades and parrying an attack from a dagger wielding rogue, He ducked under another mace attack which crunched into the rogues head killing her instantly

Charles used the lost momentum of the mace wielder to flip him over his head onto one of the battleaxe wielders before kneeling down and slicing both of their throats before drawing his pistol and killing the other 7 with headshots and sliding a new mag into his pistol, the gadget on the side counting 9 bullets in his piece, for the first time in months he smiled

“Only 8 bullets left Charles we've been counting” A new voice piped in. It was Lilly.

(Hey guys VGBish here I want to thank you all for sticking with me and Charles through thick and thin, The characters Lilly and Cat are inspired by Niamhs escape to pirate island up for sale soon on Amazon go check her out at AuthorNiamh on wattpad)

TTD : The ManDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora