Chapter 2

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I woke up dazed and realized that the tower explosion had threw me outside the compound, so armed with just my blade I scaled the wall. Stopping at the top shocked to see nothing but rubble. I dropped down to rush over to the underlings body to close his eyes but once I got there I realized he didn't have a face left let alone any eyes to close. 'Gorffwys mewn heddwch' I was then alert snatching up the underlings pistol and making my way to the pile of rubble that was the assassin headquarters.

Keeping my head on a swivel I ran to where the side entrance once was and opened the cellar hatch to climb down into darkness to find some survivors stocking up from the armoury. I... I... I killed them all. Assassin and templar alike. I rushed around packing a bag with weapons and ammo before strapping on a second blade and climbing out of the hole, Leaving the bloody mess down below.

Assuming that every safe house was compromised I roamed the streets searching for an abandoned house or shop so I could lay low, I happened upon a burned out apartment on a housing estate so I stashed my gear there and went to contact an old friend Lily, She liked to think of herself as an elf. Well each to their own but she had something I needed. A place to lay low so I set off with my gear to make my way to the train station however on the way I run into some resistance so I dropped my bag and quickly analyzed the situation. 3 guys 2 with blades which seemed very odd so I targeted the one without blades first turns out he used to be an assassin but he went down easier than the other 2 who had drew their blades by the time I had disposed of their leader after a short bloody battle I stripped the ex assassin of his blades before spitting on his corpse and reclaiming my gear.

I sat for 20 minutes in the cold wet rain of wales waiting for the train, It's not as if it was something unusual.. I just remember that slow part of the day more than the rest. The train was empty at that time of day all the kids were in school and the parents generally at work the only people left were older students and people like me. hashashin. An old serbian word that was used to describe social outcasts namely drug addicts murderers and thieves. 3 stations later a group of men and women walked onto the train clearly looking for someone so I put my hood on and faked being asleep, As they passed something was clearly wrong as I spotted a pistol inside one of their jackets. A M1911 I recognized from the assassin armory, Spotting this weapon stirred some primal instinct within my gut causing me to stand suddenly and step behind them following them at a slow pace, blade engaged, They all turned around after the first guys body hit the floor louder than I anticipated. We stared each other down half of them had clearly never met a real assassin before as they smiled ready for an easy kill. Oh they were wrong to do that, Remembering my training I went for the big guy first jabbing him in the chest 6 times in quick succession with both my blades then slicing his throat for good measure. That scared them causing all but 2 to take a step back. They both fell with quick slashes to the throat. Realizing I couldn't let the other 4 go I fell gracefully to 1 knee and drew the pistols from the jackets of my victims and emptied the mags into the remaining 4. Weapons scavenged blades stripped and the M1911 now in my holster, I had my first piece of luck that day there was no more problems all the way to Cardiff. I had arranged a meet with Lily. I hadn't seen her in so long.

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