Kinky Hands

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It had been a week since Aelin had been captured with Rowan disappearing to go find his wife, and Aedion still dealing with the loss of Aelin, Dorian and Manon's Thirteen were on the edges on the Oakwald Forest, heading for the Wastes .

They camped outside, as the Thirteen were preparing to sleep, Manon had wondered off into the forest to a nearby stream to clear her head before sleeping.

With Dorian around, it was hard not to be reminded of that night on the ship where he made her feel like no other man had.

Every feeling, sensation she felt, was etched into her skin, and as much as she denied it to herself, she wanted to experience that all over again.

She heard a rustle behind her and instinctively, her nails came out and she could smell the fear from the person behind her.

"Manon," Dorian said.

She relaxed, but didn't retract her nails.

"Hello princeling."
"Still calling me that? I thought we were past the formalities."
"That was hardly a formality."
"Well, can I join you?"

Manon glared in his direction.

"I'll take that as a yes."

He sits on a rock near her and watches her silver hair gleam in the moonlight as the stream flow.

Manon lowered her guard a bit and looked at him. His raven black hair falling in front of his ice blue eyes that were clouded with thoughts.

"What were you thinking about earlier?" He asked her.
"That doesn't concern you."
"You're thinking about that night we had right?"

Manon remained silent.

"I can't get it out of my mind as well."

He moved closer to her but she could sense it and moved away.

"I can't understand why I'm so drawn to you human."
"There are things that exist with no reason but is simply there."
"I can't forget about that thing you did that you did to hold me."

Dorian reached out with his magic and pinned her wrists to the ground.

"You mean this?"
He proceeded to lift her shirt exposing her breasts to the cold night air as she arched her back against the cold ground.

"Seems like this is the only way I can get you to say my name."

He took off her shirt completely and watch her lay on the cold ground shirtless. Leaning down to leave a trail of kisses down her neck to her breasts.

Manon moaned and tried to move against Dorian's hold but couldn't move.

"Well.." she purred, "This ought to to be an interesting night."


At the end of the all that, they both collapsed next to each other gasping for breath.

Manon was still wondering how the prince managed to work his raw magic into his sexual benefit was still a wonder to her, but she didn't care as it felt so good.

"We need to get back to camp. The Thirteen will have noticed us missing," Manon gets up, unbound by Dorian, and begins to put her clothes back on.

"Won't they smell what we did?" Dorian asks.

"Yes and they know better to question what I do, but enough let's go back. We don't speak of this again."

But Dorian knew there's to be many more encounters.


A/N: late update, but here it is.
Sorry I've been busy with school and projects and other nonsense.

Such as the life of a junior student.....

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