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Aelin opened her eyes.

She inhaled and the fresh sea air filled her lungs and the spring sun's rays on her skin.

She was free.

It's been a long time coming but she has risen from the ashes and is reborn again.

She feels the warmth of her magic in her veins after months of having it stifled in some iron coffin.

She would not think of that place again.

Another scent of snow and pine came from next to her - the scent of home.

How she missed him.

She looked to the expanding horizon in front of her with the flicker of hope in her eyes to her kingdom which lay in wait of her return.

It's time she reclaimed her crown.



First of all I want to say thank you for reading I came on here to find my fanfiction ranked #7 and I was so happy. I cannot thank you guys enough. And to the people that sent me messages of encouragement, thank you. I'm going to try. I'm going to try to make my life better.

I'm going to continue writing for you.

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