Feelings Up For Grabs

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Most of us have thought that word.
But we all think of that word in a different way.

You make me confused
Help me out of my blues
And you've told me that you like her.
I helped you try and get her
Because it was you.
You didn't even ask me to.
But that was then
When I liked him
And now, he just isn't you.
And I'm just so fucking confused
About my feelings
To like or not to like
That is the question.
My heart's miles ahead of my brain
I think.
I wouldn't know
I can't see it,
Maybe it was left back in the distance.
Am I overthinking this?
No, he's not an exam question that you can overthink.
Yes, you said it yourself, he's that nice guy that everyone likes and everyone's friends with, but no likes him as anything more than a friend.
But that was then
And this is now.
And I don't know what I'm supposed to do.
Does anyone?

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